Chapter 79: Compromised

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The arrival of the men in green and the existence of their communicator devices ignited a spark of hope for salvation throughout the masses. Word of these new developments spread quickly, promising salvation to those who had long been downtrodden. But not everyone was convinced. Some remained skeptical, and it was only a matter of time before someone reported the news to the authorities.

And that day finally came as soldiers from the city marched into the villages, determined to confirm the rumors themselves.

In a dimly lit room, a group of men huddled together in a secret meeting, talking about various things.

"Here are the exits of the palace," one of them said, unfurling a map. "Though it is usually heavily guarded by guards, there is a certain time of the day when they change shifts, and that is where we have a chance to slip in."

Surprised murmurs filled the room, and one man leaned forward with eyes widened.

"Oh, I see. Our brother is truly reliable," he said, nodding in approval. "I bet those Tarxan authorities would never suspect that the very people they’ve treated as inferiors are preparing to rise against them."

The first speaker raised his hand for silence.

"Remember, let us not act too suspiciously," he urged. "We cannot afford to draw attention. Our benefactors are depending on us. The day of liberation that was foretold by the prophet has come. Let us all help them as much as possible and must do everything in our power to ensure a better future for our people and our children."

The room grew solemn, a few of the men visibly moved by his words and other people around the table had their expression turned into almost something teary eyed. One of them stepped forward and spoke in his voice thick with emotion.

"Let us live to see the day of our liberation! To the common cause!" he declared with his fist raised.

Cheers erupted around the table as all the men chatted merrily happily, seeing the one they had hoped for so long was finally coming to fruition. They knew they were placing their faith in these green-clad men and their mysterious devices, but what other choice did they have? For the first time in their lives, they felt hope, and the fires of revolution were now burning bright within them.

It was only a matter of time.


Kingdom of High Tarxa, Near High Elven Ville, In A Forest, Village Of Inferiors

1st Year of God, Tuesday, 1st Week, Month Of Jacob

A man that was of tattered nature was rushing towards a location as if his entire life depended on it. His shoes were already broken and his feet bleeding profusely with each step, yet he keeps on marching towards his intended location, driven by desperation.

His face was caked in dried blood with his throat parched, and hunger was going around his head, making the very ground beneath his feet seem like food in his delirium. However, he preserved and pushed himself toward the faint outline of a village that appeared on the horizon, which made him quickened his pace and staggered faster until he collapsed at the village entrance.

Unconscious, he lay there while the villagers slowly gathered around out of curiosity. After a tense pause, someone finally stepped forward to help. They carried the man to one of their homes, cleaned his wounds, and washed the dirt from his body. All that was left was to wait for him to wake.

Hours passed in silence until the man finally showed some signs of awakening. As his eyes fluttered open, he was in a state of panic and confusion. Immediately, he shot up and shouted wildly.

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