Dreaded Hugs

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Who was it?

Who was doing it all behind his back?

He frowned.


After all the work, he at last got some time to sit and think about everything, carefully and precisely. There was a load of work on his shoulders since past few days and he had to catch up with all the things. With mafia and with the business, both. He couldn't get time in his busy schedule to analyse all the occurings around him.

He had been receiving reports from his people in the intelligence agencies that they have already started the mission of sending him jail. Precisely, a new head has came and he wanted to run the system with what they call-'fairness'

He almost scoffed at the thought. It wasn't new to him. Many came and many were gone. And with their own hands they sold their faith and 'fairness' to him. Knelt infront him, begging on their knees.

He will see how far this new chief will go.

How far

But still the puzzle was not solved. He kept on tapping his fingers against his forehead.

Who kidnapped Moazzam?

Moazzam was the person who was supposed to deliver the details of the money laundering to that model, who was going to carry out this mission. Yet Moazzam got kidnapped. And he was still trying to figure out the motive of the kidnapper.

Was it because they came to know he was fishing information for the money laundering?

But how?

Or was there some other reason?

Moazzam wasn't his special man. Just a minor who'd be assigned tasks of not so much of importance and he hadn't been given a serious mafia task in the recent time.

Then what would they want to do with a minor mafia worker?

And who exactly kidnapped him?

His sixth sense was pointing at the intelligence agencies. Rather 90% he was sure.

And in that case, that would mean they came to know about Moazzam's job in the money laundering and they picked him up so he'd spew out the information.

And there was only one answer to the 'how' running in his mind. A spy. A spy had been installed around him. A person who must be very close to him. Very close.

Indulged in his thoughts, he didn't realize when his eyes fixed on Sheharzaad's sleeping form.

She was snorting. Just like a baby. Her face towards the window and the moonlight directly fell on her sleeping eyes. A sudden urge to see her entered in him and without registering, his feet were already taking him towards her.

His doom

His death

And he sat beside her. Unknowingly, his lips twitched into an unnoticeable smirk and his thumb moved up to trace her brow. She frowned while sleeping and turned her head to the side and continued with her little snorts.

"Careful there," he muttered and settled her head, aware of the brace around her neck.

Suddenly, her eyes got half-opened due to the movements around her. Abruptly, from half-opened they got wide opened upon realizing he was close to her. Her breathing got ragged within seconds as she tried to sit up.

"Calm down," he muttered, instead she got more breathless.

"Calm down, Sheharzaad," he reiterated and she was trying to calm herself down but it panicked her when she couldn't. In anxiety, her eyes began to move up and down stealing a glance of him. She was still breathing as if she just came back from a marathon.

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