A mere piece of Obsession?

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"J-jee?" She tried to feign ignorance. Her hands had turned clammy.


"Where is your ring?" He placed the pen on the table and the tick tick sound was gone.

She began to fidget with her fingers, unable to produce a response. Her tongue suddenly weighed tons. Her eyes found the table where he had placed that pen. There was his macbook, some files, papers and pen-holders. It was large and neat. To the left of his laptop was a cup of coffee that he had maybe forgot to drink as the cup was still untouched and the coffee appeared to be turn cold as no steam was rising. In the glass of the table, she could see his reflection. His eyes was on her face yet hers on the table. Then her eyes moved towards her reflection. Her face exposed to the broad day-light, as she stood infront the window. Her face looked paled. Her fingers fidgeting with each others. Above her head she could see the LED light and suddenly the reflection of it was distorted as she saw water- a tear drop landing on it. 

She didn't even realize when she had started crying. This has become a thing recently for her, since what had happened with her in Dubai. Whenever she would find herself in a tight corner with him, first thing that would happen would be her eyes turning watery without her realization. She was never a cry-baby. But it seemed like she became one now.

She sniffed, cleaning her nose with the cough of her shirt, all the while, looking at her reflection in the glass- not looking up at him or even at his reflection. Her tied-tongue couldn't utter a word. Not even any apologies.

"Sheharzaad," he snapped his fingers, making her jolt at her place and she looked up, "where is your ring?" He asked again and she could already see a subtle frown drawn on his forehead.

Now, she held her hands tightly, "sorry," she whispered at last, "I f-forgot to wear it," 

"You are testing my patience,"

She curled her toes inwards. This situation wasn't getting any better than this.

"Sorry," She uttered again and immediately cleared the tear of terror that escaped her eye.

At this, he stood up and her head jolted up at him as her eyes broadened. On its own accord, her feet began to take multiple steps away from him. "This won't happen again, I promise,"

"Go back to your home, get your ring and only then appear infront my eyes," he ordered and she abruptly nodded her head and quickly rushed out of his office.

And she wondered what kind of a relationship was this? He just wanted his mark on her finger. There was no love for her in his heart. There was just a want of her. 

It just made more tears spill out of her eyes and she went back to her room just to get that ring.


He had demanded her presence for a day to assist him and she did as she had no other option. True to his words, he didn't come closer to her. As if there was a strict professional relation between them. He had called a meeting of the heads of different departments. He seemed to winding up things as if he had to go to somewhere. 

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