Luffy Zoro VS Buggy Cabaji

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The old man went to treat Zoro which is sleeping. "I am surprised that he was able to survive with that wound." He said. "Huh why?" Ask Luffy. "Well he lost a good amount of blood to make his faint and then die but he managed to not lose anymore blood." You explained. "Oh well let go beat that Buggy ass!" Luffy said cracking his knuckles. You, Nami, and Luffy went to see where is now Buggy. Then you, Nami and Luffy found where was Buggy and his crew. Then you saw the old man yelled "I am the mayor I will protect this town!!" But then Luffy walked up to him and knocked out. "Luffy why did you do that?!" Yelled Nami. "Because he'll get in the way." Luffy said. "And it much safer this way for the old mayor." You said. Then Buggy called his first mate. A man on a unicycle came and said "Hello I am Buggy first mate Cabji the swordmen." Then the man came straight for us until CLASH. You look to see Zoro blocked his attack. "Zoro!" Luffy said happily. "Oi Luffy ____ I will handle this guy." Said Zoro confident. You and Luffy nodded. "So Luffy can you handle Buggy yourself?" You said smirking. "Yeah I can!" He said getting excited. Then you ran to where Nami was just to keep her safe. "____ what are you doing here?" "Well you want you protect your treasure right?" You said smiling and then turning to see the fight. You saw that Cabaji kept saying "Let me show you the true power of a swordmen." But Zoro kept fighting with his power. Then Cabaji hit Zoro's wound which made him weak. "GAH!!!" Yelled Zoro. 'Oh no Zoro got hit at his wound!!' You thought. Then Zoro managed to finish off Cabaji. (He did not kill him relax) Then he collapse you went up to him and said "Heal." Then a green orb appeared around your hand healing Zoro. But it only heal him a bit to let him walk around. "How did you do that?" Nami ask. "I ate the Koto Koto Fruit which let me get anything I want at the tip of my finger." I answer. "So cool!" Said Nami. "Yeah it helps me a lot in battle but it is still very limit so I get my weapons from a supplier." You said putting down your hand. "I heal his major wounds but he still needs rest." You said looking were Luffy and Buggy were fighting. (I am not good at fighting parts so I won't write I will go to the part where Buggy finds Nami) Then you saw Buggy coming towards us you went in front of Nami getting your daggers out until he stopped with a pained look in his face. You look at Luffy who hit him in the balls. "Good thinking Luffy!" You yelled smirking. He look at you and laugh "Shishishishi!!!" Then Buggy was about to put himself back until he only had his feet, hands, and head. "WHAT!!!" He yelled. He look at Nami who was able to tie his body parts. "Now Buggy GOMU GOMU NO BAZOOKA!!!!!" Luffy yelled sending off Buggy. "We did it!!" You yelled running to Luffy with Zoro on your back. "Is Zoro gonna be ok _____?" Luffy ask serious. "He will be fine he just need some rest." You said then Zoro waking up. "Oh Zoro your up!" Nami said. "Oh Nami are you gonna be with us for a while at least?" Luffy ask. "Fine I will be your navigator but only for a while." She said with her bag of treasure. Then a group of people came yelling and were angry. "We have to go!" You said running to the boat. Then we took a turn and see the dog from earlier stopping the people. Luffy look back and yelled "Thank you!!!" The dog bark back in response. Then once we made it to the port we got out to sea until we saw the old man crying and then yelled "Thank you!!!!!" We all smile and waved until we left for the next island.

That all I think it pretty good I can't wait to meet CAPTIN USOPP!!!! I hope you like the story! Thank you for reading!! BYE!!!

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