Chapter 4. Too close.

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Jeff's pov.

It was close; too close. I slammed my fist against a wall, leaving an indent but I didn't give a damn. I recalled everything that happened last night. It excited me; seeing her bleed, just like all my other victims. Except hers gave me a different feeling. While I was watching her wither in agony, a feeling of guilt was caught in my throat; I feeling I wasn't comfortable with or have ever felt before. I hated the feeling, but cutting her skin and tasting her blood overpowered everything else. I would have thought that I could have finished her right there and then. But I didn't. It was all too clear to me that she was losing her consciousness. Her life slowly ticking as I found pleasure in her blood shed. I would've ended her like all others, with my reoccurring phrase. "Go to sleep." I said it, except it didn't come out quite right. She was dying, and it was all me. Though I saw something in her eyes, the eyes that were slowly being drained of life by me. What made her unique from all the others I've so easily slaughtered was that she didn't show the type of fear that was present in countless pupils. She was the first to ever look into my eyes and hold my gaze without backing down. Her expression held hate, but at the same time it was softer and more serene. I could still feel the warmth of her body, my hands held tightly around her neck. I told her something. And at that moment a part of me felt like she wasn't going to make it..

Liara didn't scream. It gave me a feeling as if she knew that struggling would be useless and saved her breath until the end.  

I've told myself this everyday. Maybe even more often than that. Why can't I listen to it..  

I'm a killer. Killers dont fall in love. They can't, and they aren't supposed to. We can't develope feelings; especially not for their victims. I've never had feelings for anyone. I just kill; kill without any mercy or thought, and it feels good.

I looked at the wall. There were several dents and holes visible. I cursed under my breath and left out the back door. Everyone was still out. They'd be gone for a few days which meant I had the house to myself. "I'll fix the walls later.." I reassured myself as I made my way through the woods in the backyard that led to Liara's house.  

I stared up at the old rusty features that belonged to her dwelling,the patched up roof, old dusty garage door, and numerous visible flaws. I walked around back and climbed onto her window,it was still left open. Peering through the glass,I was able to make out her body frame upon the bed. She lay so still, completely quiet.  

Liara was wrapped in bandages and gauzes,her blood bleeding through some of them. I caught a whiff of her scent and I was careful not to inhale too much. Too much and I would lose control. Her pain felt too good. It all tortured me. Not before long, I couldn't take it no more. I looked away from her and jumped down. "Jeff..?" was all I heard before I leapt. Her voice was soft, yet somehow held a raspy tone. 

Her voice was stuck inside my head, calling me as I trotted back into the woods and out of sight.  

"Too close.." I thought.


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Love, Alice xoxo

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