chapter 25 Vulnerability

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Liara's pov

What have I done.

I was always aware of the habit in which I made decisions based off of temporary rage. It had definitely diminished by now. Soon enough the regret would start flooding in.

I never used to think of myself as naive but right now I felt vulnerable and I detest it.

Jeff made me feel vulnerable, but not in the way you could imagine. With him, none of my feelings were, well feelings; they were so foreign and new. I liked anticipation, and my submissiveness had been Jeff's fuel.
I thought an awful lot about him for someone who claims to not have feelings. No, I had feelings, they just weren't verified, and I didn't want to add the label.
I had wondered if Jeff would hunt me down and reign over my dead carcass. Or perhaps a new victim had sparked his interest.
I felt a sudden shock pierce through my chest. It was electrifying.
What the hell. Just the mere image of Jeff becoming interested in another person made me grit my teeth. Is this jealousy...

Well, that doesn't change anything. It doesn't change the fact that I had left him in that house, my house. It doesn't change that he had attempted and almost succeeded in killing me several times. However, that didn't bother me as much as it should have.

Affection was something I never wanted to have to deal with. Now I'm caught up in the midst of whether or not to show it. Even if I wanted to I couldn't. I don't know how to show it. I don't know how to take it. But what Jeff displayed couldn't be affection, could it? It was something else. None was something I was prepared for.

The ground was wet, and cold. The wind blew harshly at my bare shoulders and skin.
I was barely able to distinguish the victorian style houses coming into view. My head stung and my eyelids felt heavy. How long had I been running. .
I was somewhere I didn't recognize.

I would've guessed that it wasn't too long after. It was dawn. I had nowhere to go.
Somehow I had wandered into an empty alleyway, but it wasn't all that empty. I withdrew my dagger.
"I suggest you think before you act, my dear." The shadow stepped forward, but not enough to his face. He had a dark, husky voice, and a lean tall figure.

"Then I suggest you show yourself." I revealed my hand and the weapon I held. The figure chuckled lightly and began pacing slowly. A sudden tingly sensation went up my spine, causing me to raise the dagger and lunge forward, swiping at the figure. But he was quick, as if he already knew my move, and spun out of the way. Grabbing my armed hand by the wrist, he spun me around to face him.

"What did I say?" he tilted forward, getting so uncomfortably close that I was able to feel his breath.
I looked up at him and frowned, attempting to shove him away. His grasp on my wrist tightened.
The male had pale skin with grey eyes that deeply contrasted his raven, black, hair. His clothes matched his hair, black khakis with a dirty unbuttoned flannel. 

In some ways, he reminded me of Jeff in which I realized were just reasons for me to dislike the man. "What do you want?" I narrowed my eyes. 

"What makes you think I want anything from you?"


"Don't flatter yourself sweetheart." The moment he loosened his grip, I balled my fist and swung. 


Helloo guys, 

I know it's been a looong time and I'm reallllly sorry for disappearing randomly. I broke my wrist not too long ago(snowboarding) and typing is a challenge. Plus, I had midterms. I've been unmotivated lately and ugh x-x I've thought about it and decided that I'm going on hiatus(not for tooo long). Sorry guys ! >< 

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