Chapter 15. Distraction

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Liara's pov.

I cried. I cried so hard; harder than I had ever done so. These tears wouldn't stop flooding out; like a waterfall. Jeff had left, and a bitter feeling in my stomach said he wouldn't come back.  

When my tears dried, and my tear ducts empty; I would stare at the open window. Completely engulfed in hallucinations, I couldn't move. I couldn't feel, not the pain. Nothing.  

Sometimes during the night I would feel eyes on me, but they weren't his. 

Other times I wondered why I cried, why was I in pain.  

He was wrong. I didn't get my escape, I only dug myself deeper. I wasn't able to finish. Jeff didn't let me. I was never escaping, unable to. I lacked the courage and will.

The sky was covered in a thick layer of fog, dark and gloomy. It was cold, and my sweater wouldn't cut it, but I didn't care.  

Walking into class, I sank into my seat and proceeded to gaze out the window with the view of the oak tree. I looked away, and came face to face with Caleb. I stared at him for a second then looked away. "Hey Liara."


"How's it going?" His tone a little too cheerful for me.



The teacher enters the room and starts the class. I lay my head on the stone cold desk, and feel my eyelids getting heavy. Dreaming is the last thing I want to do. Though I'm too tired to move. Seeing Jeff is not something I want to do right now. It's the second last thing I want.

"Liara. Liara wakeup." A familiar voice echoed.

"Mm.." I pushed away the hand at my shoulder.

"Liara. Class is over!"

I lift up my head and see Caleb. My insides churn with every passing moment.  

"Okay." I answer, lifting my bag and rushing out of the classroom. I hear running behind me, I stop. Caleb catches up to me.

"I don't know what's bothering you but I just want you to know that I'm here for you." Caleb took me into his arms, his embrace warm and gentle, different than Jeff's which was rough. Surprisingly, It calmed me down. 


"Why do you express so much care about me?" The words escaped from my mouth; jumbled up like nonsense. 

"Why shouldn't I?" 

I shook my head in discontent. "Wrong answer.." I thought to myself.  

"I'm sorry. I meant to- well I've always cared about you. A lot." I shifted and ducked out of his grasp. Caleb's eyes widened for a split second. I could see he kept his cool, but was disappointed. I knew how he felt. I was in a similar position before. "Liara. You mean a lot to me and-" I cleared my throat loudly, interrupting his speech.  

"Caleb please." I could almost feel the lump in my throat. He extended a hand that grabbed mine.  

"Can you just listen?" 

I finally gave in and sighed, giving a small nod. Caleb released my hand. Shoving my hands into my pocket, I leaned back.  

"I know you may not-" The sound of my ringtone errupted suddenly. Reaching into my back pocket, I pulled it out; secretly thankful.  

"Hello . ." 

Caleb's face held a dissatisfied expression. The call was mom who was coming home in two days. 

"Hey. I think I should get home.. My mom will be home soon.." I lied 

"I just- Okay. Yeah, Okay. I'll go" Caleb let out a sigh.  

Lowering my head, I walked down the hall; the walls silent except in for the tipping noise of my shoes hitting the floor. Throwing my bag over my shoulder, I left the empty building and into the coldness of the outside.  

As I walked, I picked at my hand until it stung.  

I didn't know how I felt exactly. The empty feeling in my stomach was threatening to consume me. Maybe it already had, maybe it was doing so right now. I'll never know, but I will find out.  

The air was getting colder and I didn't want to go home, yet.  

Instead, I wandered the streets. The town wasn't big therefore I didn't have many places to escape, but I found solitude in a nearby park. There were a couple people feeding pigeons. I watched the birds flap their wings and hover around the feeders.  

Lying on my back, I stared up at the sky. It was a nice view and I felt exhausted.  

My eyelids were getting heavy and I closed them.  

"Liara.." The voice came from above me. I squinted, my vision a blur. A knife was held above my face and behind it was..Jeff.  

I opened my mouth and let out a high pitched shriek.  

The next thing I knew, I was back where I was with my heart pounding against my chest.

That night, I let myself drift off to a restless slumber. I heard my door creak open, and I listened. The footsteps came closer and closer, until I was able to hear the light pattern of inhaling and exhaling. Then I knew, it was not Jeff.  

The sinister laughter of a woman flowed through the room; bouncing off the walls.  

Two cold hands cupped my face and creeped up to my eyes, covering them. My mind screamed but I only lied still, not making a noise. I felt a cold hand grab my ankle and in a swift motion, I was dragged off my bed.  

A sickly sweet smell filled my nostrils as everything went blank.


I know I haven't updated in a while. I sorry ;-; I've just been super busy lately and have no time on my hands. A lot of you have been requesting longer chapters! I apologize for the shortness of my chapters but you guys first need to know, if you want longer chapters it will take me longer to write therefore I will update slower. If you want me to update more frequently the chapters will be shorter. Please comment what you'd rather have and vote.  

Anyways, Thanks for reading. Please vote and comment. I love you alll! 

Love, Alice xoxo

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