New Start?

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Guys I literally have no idea how to end this so, I'm probably going to make Dixie end up with who the majority roots for. So, please comment! Thx <3

I love the way he furrows his brow when he reads. I love how he asks lots of questions about movies. I love just him. I love that he exists.

Dally is not him. I love Dal too, but never in the way he will want me too.
I hate the way Dal looks at me now, like I've just shot him in the chest. I wish that I loved him more than Soda, just so he wouldn't give me that death stare. I love him so much that it hurts that I'll never be able to give him what he wants. The only thing I know how to do is never leave his side. And maybe that's still unfair, but the only other person he really cared about left him. And I'm not going to do that.

Dal, Soda and I got a bigger place. We can't afford a separate apartment. Darry and Pony write us. When Pony finishes school they'll move here.
I feel good now. There are moments that I feel like I'm flying.
Soda has a job at a gas station but he's already gotten picked up for some acting deals. He's taking a class now, and I think he'll do well just cause he is Soda. He looks like a star, has a special name and everyone loves him.
I'm writing for a bigger magazine and Lulu and I are co-writers for the love column in Teen vogue.

Dal disappears during the day only to return home in the darkness of the deep night with a wad of cash and a crooked smile. I've asked him dozens of questions, but he just pats me on the head and tells me I've got nothing to worry about. I hate that I don't know if he'll come home. I don't know if my thoughts are fair to either of them. I'm acting like a little wife to both of them and that I absolutely hate.

Sodapop and I plan to get married once we have a steady income and are in our 20s. I get dreamy thinking about it by that's just followed by this pang of guilt. Like I said, I hate my thoughts.

Two-bit and Steve are on a road trip here. Steve got drafted and I've been crying and hoping that none of the other boys will get drafted. Soda took it well, but I think he is really worried. This is the worse time to be this age, but also the best time.

Chuck wrote me a letter and told me that he was glad I was back in California. He said that he was getting drafted and would like to see me. I declined, but I felt guilty so I sent him my phone number to call.

I don't know what to do with myself when I'm not working. I try to bake, but ultimately fail. Soda still devours my burnt cookies and collapsed cakes. I call Evie and she cries about Steve and how the world is never fair. They miss me and I miss them.

I sit in the kitchen and Dal stumbles into the house.
"Are you drunk or something?" I say rushing to my feet and and steadying him.
He's grabs my arms and looks at me with his devilish smile. Then in seconds we're kissing. Though I'm pushing away he doesn't move. His hands fit perfectly on my waist and his fingers are digging into my ribs. And my knees are anything but steady. And in that moment I have nothing figured out.

I turn my face away and he looks at me more hurt than an abandoned puppy dog. He steps back and I'm crying like a stupid baby now.

"Dal I..." I say.
"I'll even share you," he says. "I just can't watch you be with him to put off us, man it really kills me."

And once again I'm left dumbfounded and broken.

My Girl (A Sodapop Curtis love story/ Dally Love story)Where stories live. Discover now