It's My Party

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Here is a long overdue chapter. Any ideas for some things or places for future chapters?

It was perfect weather. The sky was a pale blue and the clouds didn't block the sun too much. I had on my new dress over my red bathing suit. Soda was wearing jeans, a white t-shirt, and a red jacket like James Dean had in Rebel Without A Cause.

The lake was beautiful and ice cold. We set up a record player, booze, and plenty of cake to go around. It was too far out for any cops to come either.

Soda was helping Darry bring a table by the lake as people started showing up. Ponyboy and I were cutting pieces of chocolate cake.

"You guys didn't have to do this all for me!" I said.

"Oh come on Dixie your like one of the gang now," Ponyboy said.

"You don't know how much that means to me," I replied, grinning.

Two-bit and Steve were bringing coolers of beer. Kathy and Bev were hanging strands of flowers from the trees. Dallas wasn't there and that was all I could think about.

Soda came up behind me and grabbed my waist. He pulled me towards him.

"You're so tiny," he said. "Want some cake?"

I shook my head. Soda kissed me again. I just couldn't get happy. When I wasn't thinking about Dallas I was thinking about Soda. Soda was acting weird all day. He was sweet to me and all but I wondered what it could be.

Cherry handed me a big box tied with a pink ribbon and I thanked her.

"I can't stay long," she said. "But gee is your guy cute."

We both blushed and chuckled. Evie had spiked the punch and the record player was playing.

"Hey Dal," I said trying to hide the relief.

"Happy birthday, kid," he said. "That Cherry whatever is a real ice queen."

"She's nice and your a perv sometimes," I laughed.

He handed me a gift bag.

"I can tell you didn't wrap this," I smirked.

"Well the lady did it," he said. "just open it."

I pulled out the tissue paper revealing a small red box.

"Oh dal, you shouldn't have," I said, smiling to myself.

I opened the box and in it was a strand of pearls with a golden locket hanging from it.

"It's beautiful," I said.

Dallas's cheeks turned kid of pink. Was Dallas Winston blushing? I put the necklace on and it fell delicately at my collarbone.

"It suits you," Ponyboy said, making me jump a little.

"Well anyways I'm gonna go look for some booze. Glad you dig it," Dallas said, then walking away with that cool bounce in his step.

Ponyboy handed me a book.

"It's Alice in Wonderland," he said. "It's kind of a stupid story, but she's in a new crazy world like you. Plus it's a nice leather bound edition."

I hugged Ponyboy.

"You guys are too sweet to me," I said. I felt warm inside for once.

People began to go swimming in the lake. Two-bit gave me a Mickey Mouse doll and Steve gave me a fuzzy pink steering wheel cover for my car. Soda refused to give me his gift with the whole gang there so I decided to go swimming.
I dove into the freezing lake. As I reached the surface of the water I felt happy. It wasn't just the normal happy, but I was filled with the zeal and freshness.
Sodapop kissed my neck.

"You look so hot in that bathing suit," he said.

I giggled running away from him as he threatened to throw me in the lake again.

After the party most of us were drunk. Nobody let me drink and Soda never did so we were good.
Soda was happy and I was happy. We were in love and I knew that for sure.

"It's time for your gift," he smiled.
I grinned as he led me out into a field.
There was a picnic blanket laid out under the stars and candles.

"Oh Soda," I said, sitting down on the blanket.
"This isn't your present silly," Sodapop said.
He pulled out a little black box.
I began to feel my heart thump loudly.
"Don't worry," he said. "I don't expect you to marry me or nothin."
The back of my neck got hot.

He opened the box revealing a small delicate ring. It had a flower with a few small diamonds. It was elegant and perfect.
"Do ya like it?" Sodapop grinned.
I couldn't say anything so I gave him a kiss. He slid the ring onto my finger.
"It was my ma's," Soda said.
"I absolutely love it," I smiled as big as I could.
He kissed my neck and I giggled as his warm, soft lips touched my skin.
"You're so beautiful," he said.
"Oh stop it," I said shushing him with a kiss.

I was never pretty or sexy, but yet I was with Sodapop. Sodapop was the cutest guy I'd ever seen and he was in love with me. I love him.

"I love you," I whispered.

"Ditto," he smiled, flashing his beautifully perfect smile.

Sodapop took of his red jacket and placed it around my bony shoulders.
I leaned into him as he held me under the stars.

"Dixie," he said.
"I've been sitting around my whole stupid life waiting for somethin to make me worth something," he said. "I don't gotta worry about that anymore cause I've got you as my girl."
I felt my insides warm up and my heart twist.

I tugged at the collar of his shirt and and he slid it above his head. I ran my hands over his chest, trying to remember every curve of his body.
I felt his warm hands unzip my dress.
He touched my spine, my ribs, and my waist. I just wanted to relive the day over and over in my head.
I love you, I thought as I closed my eyes still seeing the stars above.

My Girl (A Sodapop Curtis love story/ Dally Love story)Where stories live. Discover now