I'd never do anything to hurt you

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This chapter was inspired by the Shangri-las song The train from Kansas City.

In the morning I was tired. We'd left the Curtis's house at 4 in the morning. It was fun, but I couldn't stop thinking about kissing Dally.

Kissing Sodapop was amazing and kissing Dally was also amazing. I shouldn't even be thinking about this.

I went downstairs wearing a plaid skirt and a matching crop top. I laced my saddle shoes.

"There is a letter for you," my Aunt said.

"A letter?" I said.

She handed me an envelope. I looked at the address. It was from Chuck. I felt my heart ache. if Chuck only knew what I'd been doing. I'd cheated.

I opened up the letter and sighed.

Dear Dixie,

You don't know how much I miss you. I miss your sarcasm and how you always tell me to be healthy. I know you miss me too, but I've got to tell you something. A girl kissed me. I feel horrible about it and I really want us to work. I'm visiting my uncle in Kansas, so I've decided to go to Tulsa. I know it's abrupt, but I don't want you to forget about old Chuck. My train is coming in at three o'clock on July 2. I hope your not mad at me. Please respond by telephone or telegram.

Love, Chuck

I felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest. I left Chuck behind. He was so adorable and sweet, but I felt different now. I didn't love him anymore.

"Auntie," I said. "My guy is coming into town tomorrow. Can he stay here?"

"Sure," she said.

I decided to go to the DX. I wanted to see Soda.

I drove there and parked. I saw Soda talking to a blond girl. They were awfully close. Why was I jealous? Soda wasn't my boyfriend. I kissed Dally and I had a guy, Chuck.

Yet, at that moment, I wanted to have a reason to be mad a Soda.

I walked inside the DX.

The blond girl turned around. It was Sandy. She had her hand on his chest delicately and I felt my heart begin to deflate.

"Dixie," Soda said.

I ran out. I felt like the whole world was spinning and laughing at me. I didn't need this. I had Chuck. I didn't have to deal with Soda obviously still loving Sandy and Dally being so moody. I ran as far as I could and then sat on the curb.

A familiar car pulled up.

"Hey, baby," Dally said.

I got in. I looked at Dallas. His eyes sparkled and I once again felt this magnetic force.

I kissed him. And he kissed me. My hands were on his chest and he kissed me with a passion that was undeniable.

Soon I was on Dally's lap and my back kept hitting the horn.

I pulled away and looked at Dallas.

"Want to go to a movie with me, baby?" he said.

"Okay," I said. "But it's not a date."

"Never said it was," he smirked. I slipped back into the other seat and as Dally began to drive away I saw Soda on the curb with Sandy. She was holding his hand, but Soda just looked defeated. I looked away. I was going to have to break three hearts and it might just kill me.

At the movies with Dally we watched a James Dean movie. Dally and I sipped on our cokes. He had his arm around me.

"Dallas," I said.

My Girl (A Sodapop Curtis love story/ Dally Love story)Where stories live. Discover now