The end

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There really isn't happily ever afters in real life. You can't expect to never face adversity for the rest of your life. The only thing a person can hope for and long for is getting through tough times and getting tougher each time the world gives you a hard time. There is only one reason why I even know all this. I wish I could say the wisdom was my own but I'm not going to lie. My parents weren't around the tell me all the things I would need to know and neither was Soda's. Together we've learned that despite being young together we'll get to where we want to be. I know this sounds cheesy and all but I'm feeling quite old at this point and time even though I'm only 17.
I'm back in Tulsa, my real home and Dally's hand is guiding me down and aisle.
Soda and I will return to California after the wedding. I've got a job at a magazine and Soda is working part time at a pit stop while he's been going an auditions that suit his real movie star smile.
Dally is back in Tulsa and I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss him. Our gang sends us real funny letters twice a month and I usually end up crying after reading them.
It only made sense that we'd seal the deal in Tulsa. And of course the meal would be strictly chocolate cake and beer. Steve is going to the war but luckily he gets to see us off. Darry is going back to college and Two bit is doing god knows what. Dal and I will always have a peculiar relationship. We talk to each other like best friends but he still looks at me in a way that makes me uneasy.
The boys are whooping as Steve pulls the out a motorcycle with cans on the back.
"There is no way I'm getting on that in this dress," I say shaking my head. Before I know it Soda has scooped me up and sat me on the bike.
Just the smell of his skin is like home to me. I hope I'm a good lover to him. I hope that he knows he's more than enough for me.
Dallas plants a kiss on my cheek smiling cheekily. I want to just breathe him in. He'll be coming to California in only three months but I know now that even a week can change you forever. Ponyboy is blushing as Sodapop messes up his hair. I love these boys so much. I'm the luckiest girl in the world.

With the wind in my hair and Soda's warmth this motorcycle feels like the safest place on earth. When we get to a field of beautiful wild flowers we stop and I look up at his sunlight face. I lie in his shadow, our lips never leaving each other. I can feel the soft flowers in my bare skin as Soda pulls of my dress. Just being bare with him is a pleasure that cannot be matched. I feel the sharp of his jaw as he kisses my stomach and then fills me completely. I feel tears in my eyes and an ache in my heart but not like before. I am so happy and so in love. I could lay in his arms forever and ever because I know, no matter what, I will always have a family.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2017 ⏰

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