🔆Not so Sunny🔆

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This was requested by HeroicRobot!

I'm sorry this took so long. I didn't have any ideas for it. So, this is just a go and see where it takes me!

This takes place with Nexus (new Moon). Another Moon came through the portal and kidnapped Sun. (Their also in their old house).

Also, I couldn't think of anything creative that he would want, so just us your imagination..


- Gore
- Torture
- Blood (oil?)
- Death
- Dismemberment

I also might have gone a bit too far on the torture. I just thought of the most gruesome. I am warning you that if you are a Ruin or Bloodmoon fan.. you might not want to leave.


"Moon, there was another package.." Lunar said.

"Let me see."

Lunar jumped on his desk and placed the nicely wrapped box down. Moon took the note off the package and began to read it..

'Dear Moon,

      It seems you're taking too long to give me what I want. So I decided to give you a bit of.. encouragement. Hopefully, this will make you hurry up.'

                                              -New Moon

Moon opened the package to see a hard drive and a finger. Not just any finger! Sun's finger.. "Damn it."

Lunar's eyes widened. "I- Is that..?"


Moon grabbed the hard drive and plugged it into the computer. A video popped up on the screen, and Moon proceeded to play it.

Immediately, Sun's screams were heard. The video showed (new) Moon ripping off Sun's finger before turning the camera to show a twisted smile. "We're going to up the stakes now..~"

"Every day that passes and you don't get me what I want, Sunny here loses a finger. And if he runs out of fingers, I'll take out his eyes, and when they're gone, I'll go fit his rays. Clocks ticking." End video.

"I'm gonna be sick.." Lunar covers his mouth before hoping down and running to the bathroom.

This isn't the first package they received. First, it was Ruin.

His face was caved in with a.. hammer? Rock? They don't really know. His lims were cut off at the joints, and the only thing connecting them was yarn. Like he was a puppet. And the video just showed New Moon cutting him up and putting him back together.

Bloodmoon for what they know is still alive. The video showed them getting declawed. And if that wasn't enough, proceeded to send their teeth and a video of sewing his mouth shut.

This was on the less gruesome ones.
Jack came to find me when Sun went missing. Only a note was left.

Moon closed the laptop and sighed. "Damn it.. I'm sorry, Sun. If only I got there sooner.. Jack!"

"Yes, Moon!" Jack hung upside down from the ceiling.

"I need you to do another look around. Go farther, then you have to just find him." Moon got up and left. Probably going to his lab.

"I miss Dad.. he'd know what to do." Jack sighed before leaving through the window.


Sun sat in his cell. It was humid, and the smell of mold was strong. He was hurting.. not just because of his hand.

He didn't know what to do.. he was going to be slowly ripped apart if Moon didn't save him.

Would he save him..?

Or will he just ignore him?

Maybe he'll die before Moon decides to get his head out of his own ass and help him.

Sun looked at the cell over, metal bars where Bloodmoon was. They haven't done anything. Not even try to fight New Moon! That's what Sun decided to call him.

'There's too many Moon's..' Sun thought. "Bloodmoon?" Sun said. He didn't want to talk to him. But he has no other option. But he got no response. Not that he expected one anyway..

Sun looked at his hand, where his finger was gone. Wires and oil spilled out. It hurt like hell, but he knew it would get worse.

He only had Bloodmoon and his own thoughts..

He saw what happened to Ruin. He knew Bloodmoon was probably next if Moon didn't hurry. If he even is..

"I know you hate me," Sun's voice was quiet just in case New Moon overheard, "but it we're going to get out of here, we might have to work together. Just this once."

Again, nothing. Sun sighed, "I guess it's kinda rude to think you'd be able to respond.."

Silence surrounded them once again. Sun missed his family.. his cats. The kids.. their probably worried or at least wondering what happened to him.

"You know.." Sun started again. "I could cut the the string if you let me. I doubt it'll do much, but at least you'll be able to open your mouth!"

Bloodmoon finally looks over his shoulder to give him a glare.

"So I'm guessing that's a no?"

Bloodmoon just flipped him off.

"Okay, no need to be an ass.."

To be continued..


Sorry this is late! And a bit short.. I just didn't want people to wait anymore.

There will be a part two! I was going to do it all in one go, but I watched Demon Slayer last night with my Mom and lost track of time.

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