Who You Are

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Who are you?

You are a child of the Most High God.

You're not floating by in this life without a purpose. You have been called to greatness. You are not wishing to be liked, you are already loved by God. You're not trying to make an impression, you've already captivated the heart of God.


I mean, you're pretty amazing.

I wonder what you could do if you knew that?


If you want to follow God and His plan for you life, you've gotta know who you are. You gotta expect that He's paving your paths. You've gotta realize that setbacks are all apart of His plan. You gotta realize that you. ARE. God's. Child. No matter what inheritance- good or bad- you've received in the past, you've become a child of the living God- a gift no one can take away from you unless you let them.

And that gift comes with amazing privileges.

No matter how many things go wrong, you have to know you're gonna come out on top. God's got a plan for you. You might not understand, but He does. And that's all that matters.

You are God's.

That makes you go from average to important.

That makes you go from chameleon to unique.

That makes you go from lost to found.

It makes you you.

You are beautiful.

Not in the fake, unrealistic way the world sees beautiful.

But the lasting beauty of a creation of God living in love. Living in respect. Taking a stand. Trusting God. Doing what you love. Following God's voice.

That's a drop-dead gorgeous gift that you can't earn and no one can take away.
And it's yours.

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