In the Mirror, I See Ugliness

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You look in the mirror, your eyes tracing every imperfection you think is there. You know the truth. But the truth isn't setting you free right now. You close your eyes. Why don't I feel beautiful?

I wish I was sitting right next to you right now. So I could remind you of the truth every time you forgot: feelings don't matter.

Yeah, that's right, girl friend. Feelings are hiccup-y, unrealiable, and downright ugly sometimes.

But just because your feelings are ugly doesn't mean you are.

Friend, we are enrolled in a voluntary army: God's army. We're fighting against 1.) the devil and 2.) ourselves. Good news, though! The battle's already won.


Yeah, Jesus won when He died on the cross. All we have to do is claim that victory in Him. We're His children after all. And we're gorgeous.

Next time you feel tears pool in your eyes as you stare in the mirror, remind yourself of the truth: I may not feel beautiful, but I am beautiful. And not in worldly beauty, but in something much greater. I. Am. beautiful.

I don't care how many times you have to repeat that. It's the truth, sister. So start acting like it!

The devil tries to get us beautiful women warriors down by attacking our self-esteem. Sometimes there is a battle in the heavenly realms over us when we think we're just having a sucky day. You gotta claim victory over your thoughts.

Every time a little voice tells you, You look fat.

You're just ugly.

You'll never amount to anything.
  wonder no one asked you out to prom with those feet, that hair...

You are not taking that crap! You claim victory in the name of Jesus Christ. Just because you think it, doesn't mean you have to feel it too. You have power over the devil and over your thoughts. Tighten up the reigns and take control. Ask the Lord of Heaven to help you.

And sometimes, it's even worse: people voice those thoughts for you. You really think those thoughts have more power over you spoken aloud? They will if you let them.

But you're not gonna let 'em... are you?

'Cause you may not be bigger than the mountain your facing.

But your God is.

So stop freaking out.

Don't just think you're beautiful.

Know you're beautiful.

      Yes, even on days like today. There's no magic to it. Just God.

       Just you....just beautiful inside and out.

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