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"Well, before I do, I have to ask you something." He tells me carefully.

"Okay?" I ask awkwardly, still trapped in between his arms.

"Do you know what polyamory is?" He asked me, still looking at me intently as if gauging my reaction.

"I've read about it before in a book I read once." I am not exactly sure what to say, looking down.

"Ah, very good. So you have a basic idea of what it is, then." He says this to me, softly brushing my hair out of my face.

"I guess so?" I say carefully.

"Well, it's been years since we ever shared a girl, but if you would be interested, we would love to have you." Edison says.

"Wait, I'm confused. Share? What are you talking about? Who? You do realize I'm a virgin, right? I haven't even touched myself before; there's no way I'm not experienced enough for anything like that. Plus, let's be honest, Edison, you could do better than me." I continue rambling on and on.

"Hey. Let me explain, okay? Relax for me, okay? Yes share. It isn't anyone you haven't already met. Myself, Dexter, Jermery, and Alex. I definitely assumed you hadn't even kissed yourself before. Now the whole not touching yourself thing is a good thing, not a bad habit one of us would have to break you of." He explains, smirking at the end.

"What? Is this a joke? Are there hidden cameras somewhere? Like some sort of sick initiation?! There is no way any of you could like me." I ask him as my mind continues to go a mile a minute.

"No, Meredith, it's not a joke. I'm telling you one last time to stop with the nonsense of insulting yourself. I don't like it, and neither will any of them. We are doms." He says it as though I am supposed to know what he is saying.

"I'm not following." I am confused.

"Have you ever read any books that had BDSM?" He asked me

My cheeks heat up. "Uh yeah?"

He laughs. "No need to be shy, so how did it make you feel?" He asked carefully the whole time, pinning me against his car with nowhere to escape.

"It was interesting, I guess?" I say, in my mind, to put the pieces together.

"What does that have to do with me?" I ask awkwardly, ripping at my nails in nervousness.

"Well, we like you to become our sub." He says, pulling my hands away from another, his pelvis pushing me into his car.

"What makes you think I'm a sub?" I ask, glancing at him.

"Meredith, I'm dominant; you don't think I can't spot a submissive. Your very essence screams it. You may not think you are, but you are."
He tells me, explaining how he knew there was a slight tone to his explanation.

"Do y'all's friends agree with you on your assumption?" I ask quietly.

"Shall we call them?" He asks, pulling out his phone.

"Wait no!" I say this as he dials up the phone.

Holding up a shh 🤫 to his lips.Shh!h" he says

Dexter answers the phone. "Add Alex to the call; I'm going to add Jermery." Edison says.

Slowly, you hear them talking to Edison.

"What up, boss?" Alex says
"Yes, boss," Jermery says.
"Boss," Dexter says.

"Great now that I have everyone here. I have Mer beside me. She doesn't seem to think she's attractive enough for us. Nor does she think she's a sub; change her mind." He says to them:.

"Wait, I never said for you to call them." I say it nervously.

"Meredith, I told you to shh. Now be a good girl and listen." He says it against my ear.

"Meredith, I never want to hear those words come out of your mouth. Meredith, we have been looking for a sub for years. We know one when we see one." Dexter says

"Mer, I thought you were beautiful the first day that I told you, so I'm not sure where you are getting these ideas from, but they are to stop immediately. Again, if you have been dominant long enough, you know a submissive when you see one." Alex says.

"Meredith Lannister, why do you think you are unattractive?" Jermery asks.

I stay silent.

"Meredith, Jermery asked you a question. Answer it." Edison demands.

"Because I am. I have scars and burns all over my body. We all have eyes, and I've seen my body; I know what it looks like." I say.

"Meredith, listen and listen well. You are breath-taking. If you ever say something like that again, I promise you will learn not to say it again really quickly. I'm not going to beat a dead horse. I knew the second you walked up to the table during the meeting, you were a sub. The fact that you cannot maintain eye contact for more than 5 seconds is also icing on the cake. Though that is one of the bad habits you'd have to break." Jermery continues.

I blink a couple of times.
The call is still on, and everyone is patiently waiting for my reaction.

"Wait a minute, habits, as in more than one? I don't have any bad habits." I say, crossing my arms and rolling my eyes.

Edison laughed, only pining me in with one hand.
"Yes, definitely more than one. bambina"

"There's nothing we can't work on." Dexter says.

"You will have a contract too; you can edit out anything you don't feel comfortable with." Alex says

"What if I have questions? First of all, why do I have absolutely zero experience other than the things I've read? It makes no sense." I say cautiously.

"Well, we'd go over everything, answer any questions, and do everything slowly as you agreed to. As far as the lack of experience, I find it hot. Knowing one of us will be your first priority. A blank slate." Jermery says.

"Well, anything that I've read has rules, and if I'm being honest, I don't like rules, so maybe it's not the best idea to pick me." I said, looking at Edison.

"I fucking called it! I told you she was a brat." Alex says.

I scoff. "No, I'm not. I just don't see the point in rules when I do what I want anyway." I mumbled to myself.

"Well, bellissima, if you agree and sigh the contacts, you will see just how far that will get you." Dexter says his voice is serious.

"Well, you have to add no speaking Italian; it makes me feel weird, so add that to the contract." I say it sternly.

"Weird how?" Edison, ask me seriously.

"Well, it makes me feel left out, first of all." I say it defensively.

"What's the second of all?" Alex is curious.

"Second of all. Uh nothing." I said I felt embarrassed.

Edison is reading my face.
"She finds it attractive; you can see it in her eyes." Edison says.

"What?! Don't say that." I say, looking up at him, my face still red from the embarrassment of being called out.

"Ah, no denying it, huh? If that's the case, I'm not going to. I can always use that to my advantage." Dexter says.

"Well, I'm hanging up on you now. I promised Meredith here something, and I have to fulfill my end of the bargain. I'll see you guys tomorrow morning." He says this before hanging up.

"Now where were we? Oh right. Do you still want me to kiss you, Meredith? You can look over the contact information and see if you'd be interested in becoming our sub." He says he is finally pulling my gaze from the floor.

"I can try, I guess. As long as it doesn't come into the workplace." I say.

"Deal." He says

Leaning in.
His lips are finally touching mine. I can taste the alcohol on his breath. As his lips move against mine, he softly places his hand on my throat, pulling me closer to him. His torso is now pinning me against the car. His tongue traced the bottom of my lip, asking for entrance. I open my mouth, my tongue fighting for dominance. I pull away to breathe. He pulls my mouth back to his slightly harsh. To continue the kiss before pulling away and pecking my lips softly one time.

"Now you can't say you haven't had your first kiss, plus I would have never guessed unless you told me." He says it smugly.

"Don't tell them what I told you about not touching myself; I was just rambling because I was nervous." I say to him:.

"No, Princessa, I can't keep information like that myself; they are to be your doms too, they have to know as much as they can to keep everything open communication-wise."

"Fine," I say, rolling my eyes.

"Marmocchia," Edison says before moving away from me. Smirking.

"See, I have no idea what you are saying." I say, rolling my eyes.

"Trust me, beautiful, you will eventually pick up some of it. I just called you a brat. Now let's go inside." He tells me, holding out his hand to take.

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