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I ran up stairs after our fight. I didn't mean to hurt her.. I was just really mad. She knows I say stupid stuff when I'm mad. I hope she doesn't do anything stupid. I knocked on her door and no one answered. I heard no sobbing so I was assuming that she was sleeping... But I don't know so I knocked even harder no answer then I realised that I have a key to her door to unlocking it. So I grabbed it and unlocked her door. When I did I was hoping that see didn't hurt herself.I walked in and saw her sleeping on her bed with tear stains on her cheek. I walked over to her and sat at the egde of the bed. Then I saw something that broke my heart.....
She had cuts on her arm she started to self harm. Why would I say that I felt tears coming down my face and one hit her cuts and she flinched I got up and walked out and ran to my room. I can't believe she did that. It's all my fault!! I can't live in this world no more knowing that I hurt Brace. So when I got into my room and shut the door not locking it cuz I wasent thinking at that time. So I got my blades what you guys didn't know is I cut before I took in brace and I stopped when I took her in because she was my light to a dark world. Then I sat on the floor by my dresser and started to cut.

Cut 1
Being stupid

Cut 2
Hurting brace

Cut 3
Not controlling what I say

Cut 4
Not fixing it

Cut 5
I hate life

Cut 6
I'm a mess up

Cut 7
I wanna die for brace

Then I was done and before I knew it I was crying hard and getting dizzy and blood everywhere. Then BAM...............

My teenage "DAD"Where stories live. Discover now