Andrea Medina

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We started the day like any other, waking up, having a cup of coffee and we always end up  lounging around at home until training which was quite a bit later in the day, still buzzing from our last league match a couple days ago, but you would be to if you beat your rivals

. We were both exhausted but content, the kind of tiredness that comes after giving everything on the pitch. The international break was coming up, and we were looking forward to a bit of rest, or our next opportunity to maybe get a nice little call up, normally it's under 21s but thats at a different time to normal right now.

We were sitting on the couch, scrolling through our phones and chatting about the latest football news, so the normal stuff, when suddenly Andy's phone buzzed with a notification. She picked it up casually, her expression quickly shifting from boredom to surprise.

"(Y/n), you might want to check your email," she said, her voice trembling slightly with excitement.

I frowned, confused by the change in her tone, it was way more serious compared to normal, but I did as she said, unlocking my phone and opening my inbox that I rarely opened, I haven't checked it in around 3 months. There it was, bold and unmistakable, an email from the Spanish Football Federation.

My heart started racing as I opened it, skimming the words that began appearing so fast they barely registered. But the one phrase that stood out, clear as day, was "Call-up to the Spanish National Team."

For a moment, I couldn't breathe. My mind was spinning, trying to process everything that has happened within a minute. Playing for the national team had always been a dream, but seeing it there in black and white felt surreal. This was it. The chance I'd been working toward my entire life, my one goal was coming true.

I looked over at Andrea, who was grinning from ear to ear, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Did you get it too?" I asked, barely able to contain my own excitement.

She nodded enthusiastically. "Yes! We both got in!"

We stared at each other for a split second before jumping up from the couch and embracing, laughing and yelling like kids on Christmas morning, this is the first true joy we have felt in quite a while. The whole room seemed to vibrate with our energy, the news too big to contain.

"This is incredible!" Andrea exclaimed, pulling back slightly to look at me. "We're going to play for Spain, together!"

"I know!" I replied, my voice thick with emotion. "It's everything we've ever dreamed of."

We were practically bouncing with excitement, and it took us a few minutes to calm down enough to actually read through the details of the call-up. The email outlined the dates of the training camp, the friendly matches we'd be involved in, and the expectations from the coaching staff. But all I could think about was wearing that red jersey with pride, standing alongside the best players in the country, and representing Spain on the international stage.

"Oh my god!" I suddenly shouted which causes Andy to look at me concerned. "We'll get to play with Alexia and Aitana!" 

"Idiot you scared me." Andy murmured as we slowly began to read the email again.

As the initial rush of excitement faded slightly, thankfulness appeared. This wasn't just about the hours we'd spent training or the sacrifices we'd made; it was also about the people who had supported us along the way. I thought of all the coaches who had pushed me, the teammates who had believed in me, and my family, who had been there through every high and low.

Andrea must have been thinking along the same lines because she suddenly grabbed her phone. "We need to call our families," she said, her eyes still shining. "They need to know!"

"Absolutely," I agreed, reaching for my phone too.

The next half hour was a blur of phone calls, excited shouts, and a few happy tears. Our families were over the moon, congratulating us and reminding us how proud they were. It felt surreal to share this moment with them, to hear the joy in their voices as they celebrated this milestone with us. After all, we wouldn't be here without them.

After the calls were made, Andy and I sat back down on the couch, both of us still grinning like fools. The reality of what was happening was slowly sinking in, but it was almost too much to believe.

"This is crazy," I said, shaking my head in disbelief. "We're going to be on the national team. Do you realize how huge this is?"

Andrea nodded, her expression serious for a moment. "It's massive, (Y/n/n). But we've worked for this. We've earned it."

She was right, of course. We'd spent years pushing ourselves, constantly striving to improve, to be the best we could be. And now, it was paying off in the most incredible way possible.

"Can you imagine what it'll be like, walking out onto the pitch in front of all those fans, hearing the national anthem, knowing we're representing our country?" I asked, my voice full of awe.

"It's going to be amazing," Andrea said, her voice filled with the same wonder. "And the best part is we get to do it together."

That thought made me smile even wider. Andrea and I had been through so much together, both on and off the pitch. To share this moment, this achievement, with her made it all the more special. We'd always dreamed of making it to the national team, but doing it side by side was a dream come true.

"We're going to crush it," I said, my confidence returning. "We've got this."

"Absolutely," Andy agreed, her determination matching mine. "This is just the beginning."

As we sat there, the excitement still thrumming through us, I knew that this was a moment we'd remember for the rest of our lives. The hard work, the sacrifices, the setbacks—all of it had led us here, to this incredible opportunity. And we were ready to make the most of it.

The call-up to the Spanish national team was more than just a milestone; it was a promise. A promise to ourselves, to our families, and to everyone who had believed in us. We were going to give it everything we had, and we were going to do it together.

No matter what challenges lay ahead, I knew we were ready. And as I looked over at Andrea, her expression as determined as mine, I felt a surge of pride and excitement. We were about to embark on the biggest adventure of our lives, and we were going to make every moment count.

This was our time, and we were going to shine, on the big stage.

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