Author's Note

850 17 8

Oh no! It's Zoe and she's back with killing off more characters!

So, yes, this was incredibly morbid. I realise. I should probably start with a bit of background on this idea...

One day in early 2013 I was at the beach and bored and had an idea. The idea of course wasn't as fleshed out and is pretty different. The idea is that Chili, Cress and Cilan were all in capsules and there were hundreds of clones of them and agh it's hard to explain.

As time went by, Cilan became the only evil one who drained his brother's blood in a massive device and made their blood into tea, keeping the underground thing, but replaced them with clones. This is when Amanda came into the picture.

So the idea gradually involved to incorporate Chili discovering the torture chamber, Burgundy (she surprisingly came rather late into the picture) and Cafemochashipping literally only a few weeks before I started writing this. The idea's developed over around a few years, although 2013 was a pretty hard year for me (OCTOBER 2013 ESPECIALLY)

I started writing the ideas down, well, more drawing stickfigures into an awful awful stickfigure comic thing in a book thing which shouldn't be allowed to see the light of day (no really). I decided that I should start moving all the ideas down there to possibly fanficky stuff. 

As I was writing this, I changed quite a few things to make everything more plausible. For example! I don't think Cilan would be able to make a massive device consisting of saws, tubes, vats, and a giant elevated control panel in complete secret or even at all, and the cloning thing on the other hand, I guess he could steal something from Fennel but. Brainwashed kids seemed to be the more sensible option.

The comics also focus a lot more on Chili and Cress in the torture chamber thing. For example, Chili falls into a coma where he has a nightmare that determines his life - a giant sentient plant thing to represent his fears and stuff. It just eats people, eats their souls and turns them into a blindingly white glowing light in the mouth, before re-purposing their flesh into plant matter, and for each person eaten, a new head appears. The plant manages to consume the entire Unova region, forcing Chili to leap off a cliff before suddenly having wings and managing to destroy the plant by tearing the thing's core/heart thing open. Ash and Iris' adventures with Cilan are skipped over entirely and Cilan has no feelings for Ash whatsoever.


This is the current version.

I may add more if I have the guts to do the sequel but it has a lot of MLP stuff for reasons - although I haven't touched the show in ages and I'm scared to do it.

As for the writing style, if it seemed a bit lacking, it's because I wanted to focus more on the character's thoughts and how everything linked together.

As much as this author's note is all over the place, overall, I'd like to say thanks for reading and putting up with these incredibly morbid ideas. :D

EDIT March 2nd 2016: Wow. Wowowow. This hit 1k! I want to thank everyone again but I'm bad at this kind of stuff, but thank you all for reading!

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