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Thomas: Vanessa can take care of Alex for one week, and Logan can take care of Alex for one week too. Alice: What about every other week, Alex is with his father, a whole week, and the next week after, he is with his mother Vanessa, a whole week. Vanessa: That's good. Logan: Yes, that's good. Vanessa: Who's gonna take of Alex the first week? Logan: I think that should be me. Vanessa: Yeah, you're right, i'm gonna go into him, and get him to you. Logan: Thanks. Vanessa goes into Alex, she takes him up from the baby bed, and then she goes into the living room to Logan. Vanessa: You're gonna be with your dad, for one whole week. Logan takes Alex up in his arms. Logan: You're gonna be with me, for one week. Vanessa: Do you have everything? Logan: Yeah, i think so. Vanessa: That's good. They go home. At Logan's home: Logan: Welcome to my home, Alex, now it's your home too, i'm gonna take good care of you. Next day: at the school: Mary and Tyler are talking with each other. Mary: Hey, Tyler. Tyler: Hey, It's been a few days, since we have talked. Mary: Yeah, i'm sorry about that, i have alot to do. Tyler: Me too, i've been thinking about you, since Vanessa told me that i'm not the father to Alex. Marry: I know. Vanessa and Logan goes together at the school. Mary and Tyler seems them and goes over to them.

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