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At Logan's home: Logan: Hey, Alex. Logan takes Alex up in his arms, and goes into the living room, to his mom and sister Olivia. Alice: Oh, there's the little cute one, he looks like you Logan. Logan: Yeah, that's because i'm his daddy. Olivia: He is really cute. Logan: Thanks, but he also looks like his mom. Olivia: I think he looks like you the most. Logan: Yeah, maybe he does. Olivia: He does. Logan: Okay, you're gonna be with mom soon, she is gonna take care of you tomorrow. Alex begins to cry, he miss his mom. Logan: Do you miss your mom? Alex is still crying. Next day: Vanessa comes to get Alex, so she can take care of him, for one week. The doorbell rings, Logan opens the door, with the baby in his arms. Vanessa: Hey. Logan: Look, Alex, mom is here. Vanessa: Come here, my little cutie. Vanessa is holding the baby in her arms. Vanessa: Did you miss me? Alex looks up at his mom. Vanessa: We're going home, and Logan, thanks for taking care of him. Logan: I love him so much. Vanessa: He loves you too. Logan: What about you, do you love me? Vanessa: Yeah, of course i love you. Logan: I love you too. Vanessa drives home with Alex. At home: Vanessa goes into her room, to put Alex down in the baby bed, he is tired.

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