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Next day: At the school: Logan goes over to Vanessa. Logan: Hey, can we talk? Vanessa: About what? Logan: About our son, I need to do something tonight, can you take care of Alex? Vanessa: I knew it, again it's me who are gonna take care of our child, you're not man enough to take care of him, I thought you loved our son. Logan: I do love our son. Vanessa: But why do you always say that you need to do something else? Logan: Because I love you. Vanessa: I'm coming over to pick up Alex later, he can stay with me for a while. Vanessa goes, she's really mad at Logan because he can't get his act together. Later: Vanessa is crying, because of Logan. Mary goes over to her. Mary: Hey, why are you sad? Vanessa: It's because of Logan, again, i'm the one who is gonna take care of Alex. Mary: Dosen't he want to take care of him? Vanessa: Logan dosen't have time to take care of him, he is so stupid. Mary: But you love him? Vanessa: Yeah, but i'm gonna take care of the baby. Mary: That's good. Later: Vanessa goes over to Logan's home, to pick up Alex. Logan opens the door. Logan: Hey. Vanessa: Where's Alex? Logan: I'm gonna get him to you. Vanessa: Thanks. Logan goes in and takes Alex up from his baby bed, and goes out to Vanessa. Logan: Look, who's that? Alex: Mom. Vanessa takes Alex up in her arms, and goes home.

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