Schemes and Watchful Eyes

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King Alec of Raza sat down on the bed.

He had currently rented out this room at some renowned inn on the outskirts of the small town. They had offered him and his two traveling companions the much nicer rooms. King Alec had more than enough gold on his person to pay for it. At the moment, his ship that he sailed to Alaris in was docked at the royal castle – it would be a few more weeks before King Dane's birthday and he thought it would be entertaining to see the country that he and his people could easily tear apart.

And, entertainment he certainly did find.

His large hand went to his chin in thought as he remembered the encounter that had taken place earlier on the streets of Alaris. He didn't think that anyone in this country would be able to speak their language – and to do so as fluently as that woman didn't make any sense.

"You were curious as well?" Alec asked over to the long, white haired man that was leaning against the wall, his foot raised and propped up against the wall. He crossed his arms and was gazing out the window, seemingly lost in thought, even as his King asked him a question. "Yule," he called to the white haired man and Yule looked up at being addressed.

"Naturally," Yule said as he performed a half-shrug, barely moving his shoulders. "I bumped into her as she was leaving."

Alec leaned forward, one of his elbows landing on his knees as he gave his right hand man his full, undivided attention – "And? Does she possess a mind aura?" He asked, interested and highly curious about the long brown haired stranger he had ran into today.

He would have said that she was pretty as well, although he was known to be more of a purist – he wanted to keep his bloodline uncontaminated. However, he still couldn't stop thinking about the woman, no matter what his breeding preferences were.

"No," Yule answered with a sigh as he brought his hands out in front of him, palms up. "I wasn't able to detect an aura inside of her."

Yule said this, but his thoughts went back to the encounter he had with the woman – she took a bit too long looking into his eyes. It was almost as if she could see their true color, the iridescent color that marked Yule as a powerful aura user of the mind. It should have been impossible, though, as putting up a glamor came as second nature to him. On instinct, he made it so his eyes should have shown up blue to everyone else – no one should have been able to see through his unmatched technique.

"Then she is a peasant in this country?" Alec asked, trying to draw the conclusions for himself.

It was true that in the country of Alaris, unless there is a war and the lower class people are called to action, their auras are locked away to prevent an uprising from occurring. Only high nobles were capable of unlocking auras of whom they deemed as peasants. Alec found it despicable that a country could operate in such a manner – if they were blindsided, then the country was doomed to fall.

Alec kept this in mind when he would inevitably call his people to war with this country – he still very much had a score to settle with King Dane of Alaris.

"The red haired woman – she seemed to be more of a peasant..." He trailed off, remembering how the red haired woman walked behind the brown haired one. Even if it hadn't been explicitly stated, it was implicitly implied what the red haired woman's role was. "The red haired woman with the silver eyes."

Yule let out a humorless chuckle – "You were able to see through that horrible disguise as well, my king?" He asked, and Alec gave him an unimpressed look. Yule then let out a hum, unbothered by the king's temperament. "Someone must have unsealed her aura – I felt tendrils of darkness around her. Now, unlike the other one, she is a mind aura user – she was attempting to reach into each of our thoughts, trying to see who we truly were. She is a sneaky one, I must admit..."

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