Finally, some peace!

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I step outside in the early morning hours and see Clark stacking blocks of hard packed snow.

Ever since the asteroid strike, global temperatures were down by an average of 20⁰F.

It's been thirty years, since then, too.

Sophia was fortunate enough to find an eccentric hiker/survivalist.

They fell in love and have been married for eight years.

In the onset of the temperature drop, hundreds of thousands of people died in the USA alone.

Many more world-wide, and everyone is pinning the blame on the Central Intelligence Agency.

Now, though, there are roughly ⅓ less people than there were.

We got Arizona's family out of harm's way but, his sister was furious that he was married to Voxley and that he was unable to find any other woman attractive...

She actually screamed at me about it.

Now that she's in her 60's, and still unmarried, she's just a bitter old crone. About it and is beginning to not remember why.

Even funnier, she shouts things at me, at random.

The other day, she shouted rascally rabbit but, instead of pronouncing the r's correctly, she pronounced them as w's...

I think that there used to be a cartoon of that same thing a long time ago...

Anyway, if you find this journal then, we've either left this dimension for another or, we're now dead and gone.

The care, all, and may God bless you.

Signed: The Robinsons.

Sylvia Marie Robinson.
Clark James Robinson.
Sophia Nicole Robinson.
Malachi Thomas Robinson.
Brett Lee Robinson.
Charles Avery Robinson.
Frederick Rober Robinson.
Mark Lendon Robinson.
Blake Theodore Robinson.
Darryl Hall Robinson.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08 ⏰

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