chapter 6 : First Kiss 😘

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In front of everyone, I made a public declaration, my possessive grip around Gulf's waist underscoring the finality of our union. "Your Mine," i told as meeting his eyes with full of determination.

The wedding feast was a grand affair, a vibrant celebration that would continue into the night. As the sun began to set, signaling the approach of our wedding night, Gulf and I were in our respective chambers, waiting for the auspicious moment to arrive.

Tonight, he would be mine completely, and I intended to make that very clear for him to understand. Tomorrow we will be travelling again to my Capital and I want him to be tamed.

A few hours later, I stood by the window of my chamber, gazing out as the last light of day faded. The chamber was lavishly decorated, reflecting the opulence of the occasion. My mind, however, was focused on the night ahead.

There was a soft knock at the door. “Come in,” I called, my voice carrying a hint of anticipation.

The door opened, and one of my attendants entered, carrying a tray with a small selection of refreshments. “Your Majesty, the preparations for tonight are complete. Everything is in readiness.”

I nodded, taking the tray from him and setting it aside. “Good. Is there any news from Princess Gulf ?”

The attendant hesitated slightly before replying, “The Princess is in his chamber, preparing for the night.”

I smiled, the thought of Gulf waiting in his chamber both satisfying and exciting. “Very well. You may leave now. I will join him soon.”

As the attendant left, I took a deep breath, steeling myself for the night ahead. My thoughts turned to Gulf. The wedding had been a display of power and tradition, but tonight would be a different matter—a private culmination of our union.

I walked to the center of the room and began to make my final preparations. As I waited for the right moment to join Gulf, I allowed myself a moment of reflection. The path to this night had been a long one, filled with negotiation and maneuvering, but now that we were here, it was time to make my intentions clear.

Finally, as the hour approached, I made my way to Gulf's chamber. The anticipation in the air was almost tangible. When I reached the door, I paused, taking one last deep breath before entering.

Gulf looked up from where he was seated, wrapped in his royal gown, clearly hiding his wedding night attire from me. His expression was a mix of apprehension and resolve. "Your Majesty," he greeted, his voice steady but tinged with nervousness.

I approached him with a determined look, my eyes fixed on his. As I reached him, I pulled him closer, my hands tracing down from his shoulders to the knot of his gown. Just as I was about to undo it, he stopped me, causing my gaze to darken with intensity.

My hands lingered on his gown, and his hands rested on mine, though they were trembling slightly. "Don't tell me you're reconsidering after my warning," I said, my voice low and commanding, leaving no room for doubt.

"Gulf, you are young, but you know what tonight means," I continued, my eyes boring into his. The defiance that once challenged me had vanished, replaced by a nervousness that kept him from meeting my gaze.

Scooping him up into my arms, I carried him into the wedding chamber, bridal style. He didn't protest, but his eyes remained closed, as if trying to block out the reality of the situation. The room was filled with the soft glow of candlelight. The bed is the central feature, adorned with rich, red fabric draping elegantly over a canopy and the scent of rose petals scattered everywhere, creating an atmosphere of romantic between newly weds.  But it's just opposite to the tension between us.

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