Chapter 7 : His possesion

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Princess Gulf POV ~

Unable to fully accept what had happened and the way he asserting his dominance even though I pushed his ego so he will leave me or kill me, but his patience and not forcing me giving me chills. I shifted to face away from him, seeking some solace in the moonlight. The moon had always been a comfort to me, its steady glow a reminder that there was something constant and beautiful in a world that felt so chaotic. I whispered softly into the night, almost to myself, “If only I could be as steadfast and serene as you, moon. Maybe then I could find some peace.” My words were almost lost in the stillness of the night, a quiet plea for strength and clarity in the face of such uncertainty.

The next morning, I woke up alone in the bed, feeling a strange mix of relief and uncertainty. Next to me was a new outfit, not the one I wear  but something that reflected their customs. I had thought these garments were only meant for the wedding and engagement, but now they were here again, reminding me of my new reality.

I looked around the room, still half-dazed, and softly called out for Sam. She entered quietly, her eyes cast downward, respecting the sanctity of the wedding chamber. I noticed the rose petals scattered across the floor and the discarded clothing from the previous night. Everything felt like a carefully arranged scene from a play, each detail meant to tell a story that wasn't true.

Just then, Mew entered, fully dressed and radiating authority. His presence filled the room, and I felt small under his gaze. "You can't summon anyone else into our wedding chamber," he said firmly, his eyes cold and sharp. I nodded, still trying to gather my thoughts.

"Your bath is prepared outside by your maids," Mew continued, a slight smirk playing on his lips. "Wear this and get ready. Act accordingly, as one should after a wedding night." His words were a reminder of the charade we were expected to maintain.

"Yes," I replied quietly, my voice barely above a whisper. As Mew left the room, I started to remove my robe, letting it fall to the floor along with my previous outfit, mimicking Mew's actions. It was all part of the act, a performance we had to give to avoid questions and suspicions. As royals, we had to pretend our marriage had been consummated, even if the truth was far more complicated.

Wrapping myself in a comforter, I stepped outside to where my maids were waiting. My eyes searched for Sam among them, and when we reached the bathing area, I found her preparing warm water, as if she knew I might need it after what she believed was a typical wedding night.

I said nothing as I stepped into the bath, closing my eyes as my maids began to attend to me with scented oils meant to soothe any discomfort. The mark on my neck, left by Mew, was enough to convince them that the night had been passionate, but only I knew the reality of our situation.

Sam finally broke the silence, her voice low and cautious, "Are you alright, Young Master?"

I opened my eyes slowly, meeting her concerned gaze. "I’m fine, Sam. Just... tired," I replied, trying to keep my voice steady despite the fatigue and confusion that weighed on me.

She nodded, her expression softening with understanding. "If you need anything, just let me know," she offered gently, her eyes filled with concern.

I managed a small, grateful smile. "Thank you, Sam. Just being here is enough for now."

She gave me a sympathetic look before turning back to the bath preparations, her hands moving with a practiced grace. I closed my eyes again, trying to find a moment of peace amid the storm of emotions and expectations that surrounded me.

My maids dressed me in a new outfit, I think I need to talk to him about my identity because I am comfortable with the dress in my kingdom project me me both Prince and princess not this one prepared for Emperor consort. As Sam prepared to place the jade on my head, I noticed a brief hesitation in her movements, her brow furrowed with concern.

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