Chapter Three 'Secrets and Lies'

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"Welcome to the practice run today you will be versing the other teams noobies," the red teams professor said in a very deep and kind of scary voice.

"Who's on the other team?" Questioned Teemo.

"Annie, Jinx, and Tristana."

"Oh yeah! All boys team vs all girls team!" Teemo screamed in excitement having a big feeling he would win.

"Teemo, here is your team say hello to Kennen and Amumu."

"Kennen!!" Teemo screamed in joy.

"Teemo!" Kennen screamed at the same time.

*Crying noises*

"Who's crying?" Teemo asked.

"Oh that's Amumu he is always crying. You gotta get used to it."

Meanwhile at the blue team...

"We're going against Teemo, Kennen, and Amumu. So we're going boys against girls so we have to show them what we're made of!" The professor screamed. "Now let's go to the battle court and show them what we are capable of!"

"Yeah!" Jinx, Tristana, and Annie yelled.

At the Battle Court...

"Okay girls all of you have to solo a lane. Make me proud!" The professor yelled again.

The professor left the health room.

"Hey guys are you scared or nervous?" Asked Jinx.

"I'm not, but the only thing I'm worried about is the professor said I have magical powers I was born with so I don't need a weapon, but I don't know what they are and how exactly to even use them." Said Annie worriedly.

"I really need to know how to use my weapon to be able to kill my new arch nemesis." Tristana added.

"Who?" Asked Annie feeling sad for her.

"Teemo. We were friends having a picnic and we got separated onto two different teams and now he's with another girl even though..." Tristana paused after that. She instantly started blushing and turned away.

"Even though what?" Jinx asked.

"Nothing, it doesn't matter,"she replied.

"Welcome to 'The Twisted Treeline' Make sure to pick you lanes top or bottom," said the announcer.

"Oh the games about to start!" Annie yelled.

"I call top!" Annie yelled.

"I call top too!" Jinx yelled.

"I guess I'll go with bottom then," Tristana said in a not so happy voice.

"What's wrong?" Jinx asked.

"I can't just tell them I'm thinking about Teemo," Tristana thought. "Oh, it's just that I'm. Ah... Just tired! I didn't get that much sleep last night. That's all!" She said trying to make the best excuse she could get.

"Okay. I was just wondering if you didn't feel well or something," Jinx replied in a happy tuneful voice.

While they were talking the boys were doing....

"Hey guys are you excited for the battle. Training i meant, ha ha," Kennen asked weirdly.

"I need to find out what lane Tristana is going in," Teemo suddenly said.

"Why?" Amumu asked in a weird sad voice.

"Its just that," Teemo stopped talking. He thought for a second he didn't want people to know he used to be friends with one of the competition. "I used to go to school with her and I brought my pet fish to school to show everyone and she killed it," he blurted out.

"Oh that's so sad!!!" Amumu said as he started crying.

The cages unlocked and we could now go out into battle.

Let the games begin!

I changed the story line a tiny bit. And by tiny bit I mean tiny bit all I did was change the place they were fighting at instead of Summoners rift it is now the twisted Treeline. Veryimportantloser has reminded me it should've been that place.

Thanks for reading!

The Love WarsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora