Chapter Four 'Regrets'

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They all charged out to the lanes. Tristana ran wildly like the others to seen as determined as they were but then stopped because she was actually so nervous she could barf from the taste of water in her mouth and hunger.

"This is not as bad as you think Trist," she said to herself with a shaky voice. There was twigs snapping. She froze. Her eyes were wide and had a very weird and bad feeling in her. She was so scared she was like she was in the freezing water in the arctic. "Don't worry nothing will take me away this time. Even if I get killed I won't exactly get killed I'll just restart," she said quietly reminding herself and starting to walk again very slowly.

"Minions have spawned," the announcer said.

Tristana looked for the nearest bush at the side and Ran right into it after the announcement was on.


"Your crazy Annie I don't believe you just made you teddy bear turn into a roaring grizzly bear, standing on two feet! How is that even possible?!" Jinx screamed

"I have no idea I was just messing with my powers well it appears that can happen! Let's go practice on the training animals in the forest!" Annie screamed determantly.

"I would but it seems our enemy team has appeared," Jinx replied staring at them in a pause.

"But I'm gonna go because I have NO idea how to use my powers! And how are we going to stop them if we keep on just fighting against them knowing nothing!" She yelled seriously.

"If your going I'm going, because if we go alone one of us might end up getting hurt!"

Both of them started running into the forest area and instantly found some wolves. They looked like they haven't ate anything for a while. They stood at the corner of the place they were at spying on them.

"This looks like something good to attack," Annie said. Annie started walking closer to the hungry growling wolves while Jinx wasn't looking.

"Are you sure they seem kind of dangerous I mean they look pretty...,"While she was talking she started closing her eyes walking in circles. But something cut her off.

"AAHHHHH!!!!!" Annie yelled as she started shooting fire as her bear came along. Annie was yelling like crazy because she was on crazy rampage. A second later since they were robotic animals they disappeared and Annie turned around. "See told you it was a good thing to practice attacking on." Annie gave Jinx a proud smile.


"Please don't be with Jinx or Annie, please don't be with Jinx or Annie," Teemo repeated to himself over and over again while he was walking and crossing his fingers.

Tristana started walking again but even slower wondering if something would happen. Minions starting running up her way her own teams and the enemy teams. "Should I Attack them?" I thought. "But I don't know how to." She had no idea what to do so she charged out there and started shooting randomly with her eyes closed and suddenly she knocked out at least five minions. She opened her eyes and yelled out a great and happy loud cheer. "Yeah hoo!!!!"

"Mushrooms. Mushrooms. Mushrooms," Teemo said as he kept on dropping mushrooms which were kind of like bombs. "No one will be able to get to the nexus if I make a line if mushrooms that no one can pass!" He dropped them in strait lines side by side and going back to shop to buy more. "Wait was that Tristana's voice?" He ran to the minions.

"I'm totally going to beat this game if I am the only one in this lane!" Tristana gave another great cheer.

Teemo looked across and saw her. It was time he could say something to her again. "TRISTANA!!!" He yelled to her not sure if she had heard him.

"What do you want Teemo! I am trying to win the game!!!"

"I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to hang out later. Or something at least!"

"Of course," she said as she stared at him in wonder while fluttering her eyes. But little did he now he was tricking him. He let out a wide smile. "JOKE! No way I'm going to hang out with you after you did!" Teemo paused and turned very sad during that time Tristana stunned him and gave him a restart. "Oh yeah!"

He replied with some last words. "I. Will. Get. My. Re-venge," he said as his voice faded off.

"This is going to be easy," she said confidently.

"Come on Tibbers!" Annie yelled. "Come out and help us!" Right after her word her stuffed animal turned into a huge bear!!!

"Ahhhh!" The two boys screamed. Amumu just stood there and got a reset.

Veiger let out some anger and zapped him dead. "Oh yeah! Who's the winner now!" He cheered.

Jinx and Annie just stared at him, as there jaws dropped.


"I'll show her a piece of my mind," Teemo said in a angry voice.

Teemo jumped in front of Tristana and started hitting her. She tried to shoot at him but she was stunned.

"Friends aren't supposed to kill friends!" She yelled while she was frozen.

"You did it to me!"

"Well fine were even now so can we just not and just get the minions!" She replied without a breath to say another word.

"NO!" He replied and then knocked her out with his poison shot.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2015 ⏰

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