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After a few weeks of staying indoors for days on end, Riki finally let y/n take the baby out. It's not because he didn't trust him or anything, there were just so many rival gangs now running after him. Riki really wanted to quit being a drug lord, maybe start a successful company that's harmless and no where near illegal, or a little dance class so he can lay low and do something he's passionate about.

But once you pick up a gun, it's hard to let it go. Y/n decided to take the baby to the park, as it seemed reasonable, she carried the littlun, as she walked through the garden areas "look there! it's a little squirrel!" y/n cooed, as she turned the baby to face the squirrel, the baby giggled, clapping. Riki smiled, following after. "You have any idea on what we're going to name him?... he's almost ten months old" Riki asked as Y/n thought.

She gasped as she turned to Riki "Let's name him Pluto! a small planet with a big heart~" Y/n smiled as Riki sighed "Sweetheart- you named a tree, a fish, a Heeseung and a stray cat Pluto when you ate that brownie- think of a real baby name" Riki explained as he laid down a picnic blanket. "You're one to talk, Riki Jackson, Rizziki, Junior Riki-" Y/n started listing as Riki stuffed a marshmallow in her mouth.

"You know the view here is so pretty... it feels like its been forever since we've been out-" Riki blurted as Y/n was choking on the marshmallow, somehow swallowing it down "Lawd- why did you get the massive ones- and why'd you shove it in my mouth while I was talking?..." The girl asked with a frown as Riki mischievously giggled.

"What do you think about the name Kyle?... baby Kyle?" Y/n asked as she smiled at the baby, the baby babbling back. Riki turned to face the duo, "You know what, Kyle sounds good, it's cute, and when he grows up it'll be cool too... Come to daddy baby Kyle~" Riki smiled, as Y/n placed the baby on the picnic blanket, Riki watched as the little one crawled to him, with a little help from y/n.

Smiling, Riki took the baby in his arms, rubbing his nose against the baby's nose, "My little Kyle~" Riki cooed as the baby yanked his hair. "Aaah- Kyle- Kyleee- Something tells me you're going to be a trouble maker-" Riki whined softly, as the baby giggled at his reaction, pulling his hair a little more As y/n giggled.

After a fairly long day, Riki drove the three home, the baby asleep in the back with y/n beside. The silent drive was interrupted with multiple, ear-piercing gunshots, making y/n jolt, Riki's eyes widen as he cursed under his breath, to their luck the car and windows were bullet proof. Those motherfuckers were everywhere. swerving every obstacle in their way, and driving off the road, taking a shortcut into a much more secure, area.

Once Riki finally lost them, he turned behind to see Y/n was perfectly fine, the baby still peacefully sleeping. In fact the baby was awfully silent the through out the whole commotion. That's when it hit them. Y/n checked the baby's pulse. "Fuck- Riki there's no pulse!" Y/n exclaimed. The girl lying the baby down on a safer surface as Riki called the doctor.

Sunoo immediately picked up, hearing Riki's hysterical voice as he explained the events. "Riki, stay calm okay? just listen to my instructions" Sunoo calmly instructed Riki to do CPR on the baby... but not a single change, he then changed to mouth-to-mouth, and yet again no change...

Not stopping, He continued, never giving up "Come on baby Kyle, you can't leave me, I didn't take you to lose you like this please." Riki begged, as he continued giving CPR to the littlun. The sudden sound of a baby crying finally reached their ears, the tears leaving Riki's eyes, and hitting the baby as y/n snuggled the baby close to herself, crying in relief "Congratulations Riki you have given birth!" Sunoo joked, despite the situation, but Riki didn't care to get mad or react, he was just so relieved to have his son.

Not wasting any time, y/n gently slipped the headphones on the baby, Riki engulfing the both of them in a loving hug. "God those fuckers..." Riki mumbled, as his fists clenched. Y/n softly held his fist, the anger that was coursing through his veins disappearing almost instantly as his teary eyes met her glossy ones, "Riki... you saw what happened... i-if we fight back- t-they'll only aim for the baby, they know your weakness now Ki... I didn't want to say this before, but maybe this is a sign Ki... you need to stop getting blood on your hands" the girl explained, her eyes hopeful as Riki pulled away from her, slowly.

She was right... If he continued, things will only get worse, but if he stopped, the consequences that follow his past actions would at least be lessened. Riki kissed her forehead, and the baby's forehead, staring back into her eyes as he held her hand. "For us, and our future... I will let go of all the mafia ties..." Riki sincerely told her. He's already seen a pure, little soul lose his everything and almost his own life, he's seen his mother get killed by his own father, and he's even subjected his dear y/n to all this danger. All of this NEEDED to stop...


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