Episode 23

291 27 16

Neharika's POV

Everyone came home on time and Aryamaan was the first one to come home tonight. I was finding his behavior very weird, what was that suddenly at afternoon in kitchen "Can I hug you?" and then he said stay happy. I'm happy and now more happy because Ryan came.

Yeah I wanted him to come home at least after 2 weeks but I liked today how we had our lunch together. I saw some positive changes in Aryamaan maybe he is too shock because of Mihika's matter. I shook my head making dinner and here was Rhea who was chopping vegetables, I told her thousand times to rest but this young lady suddenly goes very energetic.

It's already her 8th month now, only one month and then we can hold the baby in our hands. I'm happy for them and me as well. Sujal and me set the table with gossips about Mihika. Yeah correct this Rhea and Sujal were talking about Mihika making me more irritated.

It's just that if Aryamaan hears them then he will feel hurt and I don't want that, I sighed saying "You both, leave her topic. That day it ended and that's it. Why to drag this topic everytime knowing about my husband that he will feel bad?"

Hearing that Rhea said "Mom, he will feel good." I shook my head saying "But still, don't bad mouth about her, let bygones be bygones." Sujal nodded looking at Maa, Papa and we set the table and everyone came to have their dinner.

We had dinner while listening kids blabbering. After that we went to our rooms, I did my night routine and was about to lay on bed when I heard Aryamaan "Hmmm, so Neharika on which topic we should talk tonight?" I looked at him weirdly asking "Topic?"

He nodded saying "Like yesterday" I thought for a minute saying "I don't have anything to ask." He looked at me saying "Why? You don't have any questions for me?" I shook my head saying "No."

He sighed saying "You can ask me anything, I said anything." I looked at him confused asking "Anything?" he nodded with a little smile. "Can I ask a-abo-about M-Mi-Mihik-Mihika?" he froze for a minute and sighed saying "Yes, you can ask about her as well." I nodded saying "Just want to know how it feels to get love from a person you love."

Aryamaan's POV

Hearing her question, I wasn't able to speak because I didn't know the answer. I thought for a big minute saying "But she cheated on me. What's the point then?" She shook her head saying "Noo, that doesn't matter because you were loyal to her that time also and still are. She also showed her love to you, you were saying she cheated on you but we also have Ryan then?"

I looked at her amused, she needs to hate her and here she is taking her side. I sighed big saying "Neharika, I told her that I'm getting married. She didn't tell me, she was telling everyone that Vehant and Mihika had arranged marriage but she lied, they had love marriage, Vehant told me. She emotionally blackmailed him such that this thing no one got to know. She was his friend and they even flirted and met few times and few times did those things also when she was in relationship with me. That too as a friend."

Hearing that she looked at me blinking her eyes digesting everything with shocked eyes, she said "Those things means? That everything?" Hearing her I chuckled saying "I don't know, how I could have asked that, it's their private matter." She nodded saying "You must have felt hurt, I think more than hurt after knowing this."

I shook my head saying "No, I was prepared for this." Hearing this she looked at me confused and I said "She is already a mother of two kids Neharika. Of course they did that so I knew this kind of things will happen and she cheated on me, I had idea about it when we got married. She behaved weird and our marriage dates and Ryan and Rhea's birthdays made me think about this. I was shocked and hurt after knowing her so many affairs for money. I thought she was happy with Vehant but..."

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