Chapter 18 - Time Stood Still

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-Brendon- (*1 month later*)
It has officially been a month that Jade has in a coma for. A month me being alone. A month of crying. A month of being totally depressed. But I visited Jade everyday, in high hopes she will wake up soon. I love you Jade!

*3 months later*
It's been three months that Jade has been in a coma for. Three months since I've seen her beautiful smile. Three months since I've kissed her gorgeous lips. Three months since I've looked deep into her eyes. I felt I was beginning to I crazy. I missed my one and only true love. I was in utter depression.

*6 months later*
I've begun to lose hope. It's been six months. Why won't she fricken wake up?

*1 year later*
It has officially been a year that Jade has been in a coma for. I have begun to lose all hope of her ever waken up. I felt like an idiot. Why did I let her go? Why did I let her go out that god damn door? I couldn't stop crying myself to sleep this whole year. I missed her so much. Too much.

Today is December 12, 2015. The day we first met. I was so depressed. I felt my heart had nothing to fulfill it. Not even my own damn band. I took a look at my wrists, feeling empty, and found a knife. I slit my wrists five times, until I realized I can't handle the pain. Not again.

I was so tired an depressed and decided to go to my my closest bar. I needed to drown my sorrows in beer or something.

*4 hours later*
I was siting in the bar, completely and utterly drunk. I jut at there, totally blank. When suddenly I got a call from Dallon.

"Yo bro! Was'up?" I said, feeling loopy.

I decided to call Brendon and check up on him at again. Everyday I called to make sure he's okay. It's been terrible with Jade in a coma. Especially terrible for him. But when I heard him answer, I immediately knew he was drunk. More drunk jan ever. Which meant, I had to go get him. Being the good friend that I am. Damn it.

When I got there, I literally lifted him up, and put him in the car. He was fast asleep. Poor guy.

The next morning, I was totally hung over. I felt stupid now. I hated drinking, it just helped numb the pain for a while. I hadn't visited Jade in a while. Finally today I decided to. I miss my love.

When I got there, I pulled a seat right beside her again. I rubbed my hand along her cheek, and moved her hair from her face. Then I took her hand, and held it tightly. Tears came rushing down my face.

"Jade. Jade Andrade. My beautiful Jade Andrade. I have never loved someone as much as I love you. We haven't known each other for all that well, but I knew when I laid eyes on you, it was instant love. I should have never let you go out that door. I shouldn't have let you leave my arms. All I want to do is be in yours right now. I need you. I need you to wake up. Love, my love Jade, please please wake up! I love you! I love you baby. Wake up." I said, crying constantly. It was so hard. Time just stood still while he was gone.

-Author's Note-
Are you guys crying?? Let me know in the comments what you guys think. :3 Thank you guys for he votes, comments, and reads! You guys all rock! I'll update soon :3

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