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Luke showed up to school. He immediately left to the clubroom, his favourite place in quite literally the history of ever.

As he arrived, he saw Jake leaning on the door on his phone.

"Morning!" He called with a smile.

"Oh-! Morning Luke!" Jake grinned as he pat his shoulder. "Listen, I'm sugarcoating nothing. Work whatever abracadabra shit you have to, Zanders in a mood AGAIN!... I've been too scared to go in because I'm late."

Luke sighed. Yep. That DEFINITELY sounded like his love. "Bad BAD BAAADDDD mood?"

"I'd say just bad mood today... nearing second stage of bad bad."

"Ok. Right. Got this. Hype me up."

"Wooo... yeahhhhh... calm that bitch... woohoo...?"

"Not as enthusiastic as I hoped but it'll do." Luke sighed as he walked into the room, immediately seeing Zander glaring at absolutely fucking nothing. Face contorted with mild anger. Okay.. manageable..

Luke walked over and smiled. "Hey sweetheart! How's your day!..." shit. SHIIIITTTTTTTTTTT why did he ask that!? Luckily, Zander appeared to have headphones in. Good. Good.

He waved his hands infront of his face as Zander hated being caught off guard by physical touch, before he grabbed him and encased him in a tight bear hug.

He perked up, and Luke could immediately see his eyes soften as he blinked in mind confusion before he groaned and let his head hit Luke's chest.

Luke chuckled as he checked Zanders phone, ok, he didn't look to be at the, in zanders words 'best part of the song' so he paused zanders music and took one of his earbuds out.

"Morning lovely!" Luke beamed.

"Morning dear..- HONESTLY! I HAD THE SHITTIEST MORNING!" He started.

Luke smiled fondly as he nodded. He knew the ''Shittiest morning' infsct only translated too either 'off routine' (which was a big thing considering his autism) or his morning was a little less than convenient.

"So! Bethany wakes me up at 5:50 right!? I sleep until 7:50! Whole 2 hours of fucking sleep GONE! She comes to tell me she threw up-!... obviously I didn't show I was annoyed why I would yell at a 7 year old seeking comfort... So there I am! Sleep drunk, washing vomit sheets in my fucking PREMIUM WHITE ROBE! And she PUKED ON IT! And if my good god I wanted to just UGHHHHHH! Then mum comes down and tells me to suck it up and that I have 8 more!? I don't want 8 more, I want 9! And then apparently! I had homework due today an-"

Luke just continued to smile and nod as he zoned out a bit. He found himself content to just admire.

Once he stopped ranting and huffed, Luke spoke up.

"Aw.. that's shit, it's fine! Maybe we can plan another date to get your mind if it?" He smiled. Boom. Nailed it. His go to fixer upper.

Zanders expression lit up as he smiled happily. Date night promised never seemed to let Luke down.

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