Chapter 12-Masquerade

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Obsidian stared down at the virtual invitation. An invitation to the Cerulean City Masquerade. A formal party for the rich and elite. He accepted the request. Hopefully the attendees will accept Avis in their ranks.
Avis twirled about Obsidian's office.
"Oh I'm so excited! This is going to be so fun." She stated ecstatically, spinning again in place.
"Do not worry, we are going to dock soon."
"What should I wear? Uh maybe..." Avis placed a finger to her chin in thought.
He sighed. "I will take care of that.."
"What about the theme, or anything.."
"There was not details in the invitation, other than the time and date."
Obsidian was being surprisingly patient with her.
"Sorry, I'm probably being really annoying."
Avis shyly rubbed the back of her neck, a crimson blush spreading across her checks. He only chuckled at Avis's reaction.
"No. You are being quite cute actually.."
She giggled in return and trotted over to his side.
"What'cha doing?"
Avis sat down, clutching on to Obsidian's free arm.
"Schematic reports and planning routes, so nothing too important."
"Really...seems kind of uneventful."
She only snugged up closer. He, however, did not object to Avis's advances. Before anything else could commence, Cellion burst through the door.
"Can you please emphasize to Deston that he should royally-"
He stopped, and his expression darkened. "Forget about it."
As quickly as Cellion entered, he left just as efficiently.
"Before you leave, we are attending a masquerade, I expect you to be there."
He did not respond. Avis waved him goodbye.
---------------Masquerade Time!---------
I looked out the windows of the tallest crystal skyscraper in the city. Different shades of blue brightly shone from the shorter buildings. The water canals appeared to have that same neon glow. Now disinterested in the cityscape, I turned towards where Avis and Obsidian was. She was the jewel of the party. Everyone desired a conversation with the alleged 'best friend' of the Rouge Princes. I finally grasped Avis's attire. Dressed in a galaxy like dress, cascading from a deep navy ending in a soft violet, she sparkled like stars with every movement. Her pale face veiled by a similarly designed mask, complementing silvery eyes. It was almost mesmerizing to watch, unless you consider a tight, skin revealing dress cut directly up to mid-thigh appealing. I returned to the snacks table. It provided perfect least the alcohol did anyways. However, it felt as though the drinks kept restocking themselves and provide no closure. I scanned the endless bottles again. A deep magenta color trapped in a crystalline pitcher attracted my eyes, and I grabbed it out of pure curiosity. The liquid appeared thick and bubbly at the same time. My nose caught a peculiar scent....
It's an intoxication potion. Unlike its other form, an 'intoxication' potion has much less innocent effects than a 'love' potion. Either way they are both illegal. How did the potion get there? Not my problem nor my concern. What was the worst that could happen? Nothing. Let fate decide. I took a long swig of it, saving the rest for another situation. When I turn around and see someone, they are going to be my..
. I felt a tap on my shoulder. Even though I hesitantly turned around, my eyes still met with Avis's. Damn. It. THIS was the worst thing that could happen.
"Hey, don't be such a bummer Cellion, come on have some fun!"
My heart began to pound against its usual frequency. A blistering heat fluctuated around in my body.
"Ughh ..."
"Don't tell're drunk already?"
Avis smiled up at me, but I could not hold her gaze. I was too busy paying attention of her...curves. Shit. Stop it Cellion. Stop. There was still a voice, constantly contradicting every thought.
Yes. Do it. You want this. Do it. You deserve it. Go ahead. It will feel really good.
I grimaced at the thought. These voices became more muddled and disturbed as I resisted. No wonder this is illegal.
"CeLlIoN? ArE yOu OkAy?"
Do this for yourself.
Avis voice pierced the other ones, yet she still sounded distorted. I followed her, nodding along to any question she happened to have.
"He NeEdS A dOcTeR ObSiDiAn!"
She knows your pain.
"AlRiGhT, tAkE hIm To ThE aIrShIp."
It is time to be alone, with her. He keeps getting in your way.
I blindly followed Avis. My vision only adjusted to where she was and everything else was still muddled.
Do not let him do that.

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