Chapter 16- Avis, Destructive

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Narek summoned in more platters of food. I kept eating until I finally finished.
"Are you finished, or do you want more?"
I coughed.
"Nah. I'm full."
He grinned.
"How about a bath, I can order my servants to draw you one..."
I thought about it for a moment.
"Sure, why not. I've not had one for a
A bell rang from nowhere, and I was taken off by several female servants. They started to undress me.
"Uhhh..wait. I can do this."
I took off my uniform and was left in my undergarments. They fawned over the shiny fabric and my skin color. I suddenly caught the scent of rose petals wafting through the room.
"Where is the bath?"
The woman all motioned to a large exotic tapestry. I parted the cloth, revealing a large pool-like bath. It was something that could house numerous people.
"This is the bath I assume, or a enormous pool. (also the size of Obsidian's ego.)"
The women followed after me. " all can go now..its fine I can..."
"No, we are here to tend to you."
"Uhh..ok..I guess?"
Next thing I know, I was shoved into the rose colored water.
Where is she? I have been stranded in this hellhole for about two hours. Avis was taken off somewhere, and I was thrown into a dirty hole that restricts Enigma. Just. Fantastic. I did not think I would have to stoop to this level, but some measures need to be taken. I pulled out a hidden Crystal Communicator on my wrist.
"Call Cellion and Deston Andrus."
It replied with a mechanical voice.
"Calling Douchebag Brothers."
I am still pleased by my nickname of the two. The object rang.
"Hello brother."
"Cellion, come off the airship. I require your assistance."
He laughed his obnoxiously high pitched one and left for a moment. Deston was now dragged in the call too.
"Check this out Deston, he needs help!"
He was now laughing too. I cringed.
"Whatever, just track me down and help me."
"Where is Avis, what?...Do not tell lost her too!"
Cellion chortled. I found myself rolling my eyes several times.
"Just help me!"
"Fine..fine. We will be there shortly."
When I looked up, I saw Cellion peering in.
"It is about time."
"Yeah,yeah, whatever. Just be glad we came."
I rolled my eyes. The field was taken down and I was lifted up by his levitation.
"So where is she?"
"I believe in the prince's quarters."
Cellion huffed. Deston appeared, holding several burnt wires, with his black venom strapped to a belt.
"I am very pleased you brought the solution with you."
"Your order, like always."
I was clothed in a fine silken kimono with cherry blossoms on the front. I found myself walking back and forth through the treehouse, still marveling at the majesty. Narek welcomed me back into the throne room, Cion stayed by his side.
"I hope you enjoyed yourself."
"Mmhh. was really nice...thank you by the way."
"It was our pleasure."
I sat down on the same silken pillow from earlier.
"I would like you to meet my sister, princess Bellum."
A young girl appeared from the tapestries, wearing a similar kimono as mine, olive green hair, and red fox ears.
"She is blind, but Bellum can use her bells to find a way around."
I looked closer to find two large silver cat bells pinned to each side of her head.
"Nice to meet you."
She nodded and her bells chimed.
"I was hoping that you would demonstrate your power, Avis."
Narek caught my attention. If he wants a demonstration, I will give him one. I absorbed the color from his eyes, the amber pigment dying my translucent orbs. At that moment the brothers burst in. Obsidian motioned to Deston, who ran over and injected something into my neck..over the mark. I screamed. Every part of my body felt like I was on fire, and my skin turned into a deadly white.
"Burn two-thirds of this place to the ground! Now Avis!"
Obsidian ordered.
I don't want to. I have to. I don't want to. I NEED TO.
Avis's body turned into a full vision of white, until her hair and attire turned into a deadly shade of amber. She budged for a moment. Collapsing to the ground, Avis crawls along the floor, fighting harder than ever. It seems as if she finally gives in. Cellion stood in surprise.
"You know what to do."
Obsidian stated, obviously pleased with the effects. Avis only looked up once, a crazed expression full of hatred and rage, masked by two solid Amber colored eyes. The color leaked into the veins underneath her skin. She darted out of the room, latching on to any tree nearby and burning it to ash. Narek watched on hopelessly. There was nothing he could do. Avis continued to burn the trees down mercilessly, growling like an animal every time she emerged victorious of this purge.

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