Chapter 14- Avis, Wondering

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"Hey Cellion, are you okay?"
I managed to finally catch him in the hallway. He stopped abruptly, and I almost fell into him. And a feeling of déjà-vu followed.
"What do you mean?"
" were acting really weird last night. I just wanted to make sure you were really alright."
His eyes averted my gaze. However, I pressed forward.
"Mmh I am fine, just a blistering headache."
"That is an improvement."
"Did I do anything to you, seriously-"
"No. Nothing serious really. The only thing is that I was confused about, is when I woke up in my bedroom, but we fell asleep in the infirmary."
"That is because I woke early, so I took you back to your room."
"Wow. Thank you, I really appreciate it."
To avoid an awkward silence, I left. Though it does seem a bit rude the more I think about it. I mentally apologize in my head.
The one thing I noticed about Avis today was her eyes, the black ring around them had a portion missing. This is great news. It means that not only is Obsidian not as all powerful as he thinks and Avis's memory is coming back. I just have to press harder. She is also acting odd.

I kept walking down the hall to Obsidian's office. Hopefully he isn't mad that I left the party early. I knocked on the large door. His voice replied.
"Come in."
The door opened on its own, and I moved forward.
"I'm really sorry if I'm late."
He motioned for me to sit down. The chairs were large and dark, yet comfortable.
"No you are fine, in fact, Avis you are quite early."
"Ah! What is the time?"
"Around six in the morning."
I sighed and sat back in my seat. My eyes glanced about the room and finally fell on him. Obsidian continued to write furiously on the paper. His hand darted around the paper skillfully, without any mistakes.
"Is there anything I can help you with?"
He leaned back.
"I suppose. Do you remember why you are here?"
I nodded. My purpose was completely clear, I mean what kind of question was that.
"The rebellion is not going so well, even with your help."
I grimaced. This conversation was taking a dive for the worse.
"Where at?"
"The Canary Branch, unfortunately."
"They were our best supporters."
"I know. This really is a hard blow, they do not believe in your existence."
I now know what to do.
"Let's go there and prove it to them! It's not that far from here."
Obsidian stayed silent for a moment, then devilishly smirked. He really liked the idea apparently.
"That is a great idea."
He opened a Crystal Communicator. The orange glow further illuminated his features.
"Attention! All pilots and crew,"
I could hear his voice echo across the barren hallways.
"Set course for Canary Branch immediately."
Footsteps followed after Obsidian's order. Cellion and Deston burst in, as expected.
"What is going on? Another delay!"
Deston yelled. They both sat down in similar chairs to mine. I looked to Obsidian, rubbing his forehead in agitation, who looked agitated.
"It's going to be fun!"
Cellion shot me a confused look.
"What is happens to where we would have to intervene?"
"They do not believe we actually have the Artisans Mark, therefor withdrawing major support."
The room fell into silence.

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