Chapter 15- Avis, Welcomed

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I stretched. We were finally back on land.
"This feels great!"
I rolled around in the green grass, taking in its scent. Obsidian loomed over me.
"Please act professional."
"Oh! Uh..sorry about that. By the way, where are they? I don't see a tribe anywhere."
He smiled.
"Look up to the skies."
Large tree houses dotted even larger trees. The trunks were even wider than Obsidian's ego.
"Up there?!"
I groaned and looked around. Thick brush also surrounded us. I looked below my feet, and I noticed winding vines twisting their way around our feet.
"There is vines. Weaving their way around us."
We didn't even have time to react as the vines wrapped around our legs and dragged us upwards. I clawed at them, but it kept regenerating. Obsidian tried the same thing, using Enigma shadow blades, but it did not work either.
"Who are you?! State your name!"
Obsidian surprisingly complied.
"Prince Obsidian Andrus of the Spiridon kingdom."
The man turned me around and pulled at my hair, exposing my neck. He ran off, and I caught a glimpse of a fox tail.
"What's going on?"
"They feel threatened obviously, darling."
"Ohh um..what should we do?"
"Wait it out. Besides you will be able to have fun later."
I nodded. The man came back and cut Obsidian down, while my vine gently released me. He caught me and took me off somewhere.
I was carried off past several tree houses to the overall largest one I've seen. It was decorated with painted flowers, held together with tree roots.
"Hey! Put me down!"
He did not reply. I attempted to at least bite or punch him, but it resulted in me just being squeezed harshly.
"Where are you taking me? Hello!"
The man grunted and I finally got an answer.
"To the prince's hut."
He approached the structure. The beautiful tapestries opened.
"What is it now?"
"This is the woman the Rebellious Prince spoke of."
I glanced at who the man was talking to. Another man sat a distance away, siting cross- legged, with several wolf furs adorning his body. His eyes lit up when he saw me, a deep golden amber.
"The Artisans Mark?"
I gave a confused look. Not only a fire user in a forested area, but an Artisans Mark? What was that?
He walked over and lifted up my hair.
"He was not lying."
"Wait a minute..who are you?"
His eyes glowered down at me.
"Prince Narek of Canary Branch."
"Is there something wrong, what are you going to do with us?"
Narek smiled.
"Nothing yet, let her go Cion."
Cion drops me to the floor.
"I want to know more about you. What is your name?"
He held out a hand for me and I took it.
"I am sorry for how they treated you, but we have been on edge since the last attack."
I nodded. Narek motioned to a pile of comfortable looking pillows.
"Let us sit and feast on your arrival, Avis."
"Thank you."
I sat down on a large silken blue pillow, while he took an even larger one in green. The softness of the cushion captivated me to fall asleep. Before I could, several women came in with long silver platters. Each one held something different. I spotted one with fruit and another with steaming meat. The one thing that was the most surprising was that each women had similar tails like Narek.
"I hope you enjoy. Please eat whatever you please."
I digged in. The combination of these new fruits and vegetables was amazing, the flavor immeasurable. I scanned the room in the middle of my frenzy, noticing that Narek was starring at me. Not in a creepy way, but maybe in adoration.
"I have never seen a woman eat in such a barbaric way.."
"Well..when you have terrible airship food, you take what you can get. Not exactly based on taste."
He chuckled.
" is wonderful."
I think his eyes sparkled, but I kept on eating. Speaking of airship food....
"Uhh..where did they take Obsidian?"
Narek's expression turned into a bored one.
"He is fine, trust me."

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