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Comment kr dena 🥹

Ignore the typos I've not read the chapter again 💕 

FROZEN is  the word i'm feeling glued to this ground because I couldn't make a step towards her feeling ...

extremely deaden at this moment with a trembling step  i reached near her and that smile with tears gushing out made my breath stuck bending down to her level ... i picked her up in my arms  i just can't let my emotion overpower this situation 

"itaa pls don't close your eyes " i said making my steps more firm 

whereas she just smiled 

"a--ansh  i--i want to say something" she said masking all the strength she could  

"i don't want you to speak in this condition baby " as much as i want to hear but absolutely not at the cost of my life which is in my arms settling her on the passenger seat  i ran to the other side and took my driving seat  

taking my phone out i called sam "i want no traffic on my way to freecare   hospital do it whatever it take i don't want to see a single car on my way or you'll see my wrath send someone to that hospital to clear the fucking formality of theirs 

 pressing the break and turning on the ignition ad slotting the gear as the car starts to crawl forward i  step on the accelerator keeping my speed as fast as i could  

i could feel my vision blurring every second because of the tears that were gushing out continuously 

i looked at itaa who had her eyes close by now erupting the panic surge through my veins 

"itaa pls keep your eyes open for me for us  "  she didn't making me increase my speed    


it took me 15 mins to cover the distance quickly coming out of the car i ran by her side picking her up in my arms running inside the hospital 


the moment i entered i saw sam he hurriedly  came behind him  the team of doctors staff brought the stretcher  i settled itaa they were ready to go inside but stopped  and turned gazing at our adjoined hands which she held very tightly  i released her hand from mine and drop of tear fell on her hand which immediately came out the moment i let go of her hand  

"we have to do it fast otherwise  we can los---

"don't you dare to complete that sentence doctor i want to only hear one thing after you come out of this OT. She is absolutely fine or you'll see how i burn this hospital of  yours  "


 i couldn't protect her  right in front of my eyes someone shot her and i couldn't do anything this is enough for me   to kill myself what on earth i'm doing  that i couldn't  keep safe the  reason of my existence on this earth  

every breath  i take belongs to her and her only 


The loud voice of Pranav Oberoi boomed around making everyone flinch  i kept my head down because he is right i couldn't save her if anything happens to her i'll myself die 

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