The Sad Days

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The gentle touch of the quilt,

The light sprinkling down from the stars,

Your kiss, smooth like silk.

The noise blending to silence,

of passing cars.

Your brown eyes, contrasting

with the bright green grass,

In the dark.

I can't help but smile,

& sit back,

leaning against tree bark.

& this is how it is.

This is how it stays.

This is is what we've built,

to destroy the "sad days".

We don't listen to the yelling,

That shakes above us, indoors.

We don't give attention to the pill bottles,

Scattered across the back porch.

Every tear that falls,

gets kissed away.

Not one wound we have,

Will be bleeding today.

In the end, these pains

are just distractions, anyways.

God gave us eachother,

knowing that with two,

It is easier, for us, to not be afraid.

Yes, this is how it is.

This is how it stays.

This is what we've built,

to destroy the "sad days".

Memories and Days That Passed    ·•° | P O E T R Y |°•·Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin