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Jake's Point of View:

Its day two now, and Mom is still in a Coma. However, She was getting better. One time the doctor examined that her brain is stimulating again, her pulse rate becoming normal, and her skin beginning to go back to its original color. But still, she wont wake up.

"Hey dad, I'm just gonna get some food downstairs okay?" Dad was at the table,writing on his laptop. For the past days Dad has been pretty busy when he got accepted at Work as a floor manager. He got a work at home so he could see mom. Stuart is at school, its his first day. The School starts next week, so I probably still have time until mom wakes up.

"Okay," He responded without looking at me. I went outside of the hospital room wearing my black jeans, My brown boots and plain white shirt. While walking towards the elevator, I just realized something. I wasn't being haunted for the past days, I don't know why, but I'm just thankful for it.

Once I was in front of the elevator, I started checking my phone, 4 messages, 2 from my pal Troy, 1 from Eliza and...

A message from someone, A number not registered from my phone. I opened the message,

"Do you believe in the dead?"

The message said, I started to shake again, but I wasn't showing it. I carefully examined every corridor near me, checking if someone was watching... My phone pinged again, a message from the same person...

"I asked you a question Jake, Do you believe in the dead?"

My heart started to shake, shivering in every inch of my skin. I heard someone, Whispering to me, Whispering in my ears, The voice was soft yet horrid, The cringe of his tone makes me want to cry.

I looked to the left side and...

He was there,

A man, an old man, Wearing a hospital clothes, the clothes worn by Patients, but it was filthy and old. I could hear his Horrid voice, but his mouth was infested with blood and stitches, His head was cracked and his macabre smile staring at me.

As the elevator door open, I quickly entered it without hesitating. I rapidly pressed the close button for the elevator to move. I can't believe this things are happening to me again, I just couldn't believe that I saw an actual creature like that, all freaky and scary. The image of the old man kept striking at my mind. I was trying to catch my breath, I could't process everything right now.

I took my phone out of my pocket again and checked the messages, I tried to delete the message, I was panicking, but the weird thing is, Even though how much I tried,

I can't delete the message,

As I exit the elevator, I was thankful to see more people at the lobby. However, my ringed, i opened my phone, my hands were shaking, I was hesitating to even look at it, But I had too. I answered it, My heart started beating ten times faster, and as I placed my phone at my ear, The horrid voice started to whisper to me.

"You were fast Jake, fast...but not so fast enough" I started looking around.

"Who the hell is this?" I whispered.

"Not the nap," It talked back. The voice was sending shivers down my body, The voice was echoing with evil and desire to kill me.

"Look I don't want to play games anymore!" I said

"Who said we were playing games Jake, and If we were playing games..." The voice stopped for a minute.

"You'll be dead right now..."

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