Chapter 31 Did Angel Die?

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Leon found himself in the safe place again, surrounded by miles after miles of undulating red waves. The body of Elams danced leisurely in the soft breeze, yet all bending toward one direction.

In the center of all the beautiful red flower's affection was Angel, standing there unharmed, with his hands in his pocket, and the smile on the delicate, aristocratic countenance was as bright and carefree smile as always.

"Angel!" Leon shouted in relief and excitement. He ran toward Angel as fast as he could, and before realizing his own action, Leon's arms had already pulled the other man into an embrace as if they had their own will. Leon pressed the slender body tightly into his chest, so tight that it almost crushed Angel. But Leon couldn't help it.

He remembered hearing the demon telling him Angel was dead, but now Angel was in his arms, unscathed.

Angel's eyes widened in surprise, but he welcomed the unexpectedly enthusiastic embrace dearly. He leaned his head on Leon's shoulder and said, "What's wrong?"

"The demon said you were dead...He said he broke your neck."

Angel sighed profoundly and said, "Do you believe him?"

"I don't know...You are here now..."A realization gradually dawned on Leon, and he said hauntingly, "But I am in a dream right now, am I? And you are just a figment of my wishful thinking..."

Angel put a little distance between them and studied Leon's devastated face with tenderness, "Are you sad for me, Leon?"

"What do you think?!" Leon could barely keep his voice steady, "You can't be dead...I...I don't want to lose you!"

"Why? I am just one of the many who adore you, Leon. Even if I'm gone, others will love you as much as I do."

"I don't want others!" Leon blurted out as he grabbed Angel's hand tight, "Don't go. I will find you and expel that demon. Everything will be okay again! Just...wait for me. You promised to always wait for me here."

"And I will. However, we don't have much time now." Angel returned the hold, interlacing their fingers, but his voice was anxious and haste, "Listen, you have to get away from Jaden West, as far as you can. He is the one who ordered the demon to kill me."

Leon frowned deeply, "What? Father West?"

"He is not what he appears to be. Please, just get away from him. He is extremely dangerous." Angel used his other hand clutched at Leon's shoulder and stared gravely into the exorcist's eyes, "He is Lucifer's agent, and the demon, the buggy man, takes order from him. Do not believe anything he says. Promise me!"

Leon was dumbfounded. All this information was hurled down on him, making him disoriented, "How is that possible? He has exorcized the highest number of demons in the Bureau!"

"Because Lucifer needs someone influential in your Bureau. A mole in the heart of the enemy." Angel suddenly went still and slightly raised his head as if listening to something in the wind that Leon couldn't detect.

"You have to go now. Just...don't trust Jaden West." Angel put his hand on Leon's chest and was about to push him out of the dream and back to reality. Leon was familiar with this gesture and asked flusteredly, "Will I see you again?"

"I will find you," Angel said softly before he pushed.

And then Leon was gone.

Angel stared at the empty space where Leon stood moments ago, hoping that this dream would have an effect on Leon. He had been letting Leon believe these dreams were all in Leon's head, so Leon would likely not suspect Jaden West immediately, but at least he had planted the seed of doubt into Leon's head.

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