Chapter 33 Every Silver Lining Comes with A Big Dark Thunder Cloud

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Azazil burned Chorviss's essence before the demon could attack Leon, but he kept a small portion of the demon's essence, as killing the demon entirely meant killing Daniel at the same time, and Angel knew Leon would get into big trouble if Daniel died in the exorcism.

Satan also realized he had to kill Andras as soon as possible before the fallen angel made more attempts on Leon's life. So far, it seemed Andras intended to keep his cover and tried to get the demon to do the dirty work, but Azazil wasn't sure how much patience Lucifer had left. If the devil gave an immediate killing order, Andras would not hesitate to do it himself.

However, if Leon had been with Jaden all the time, there would have been no chance for Satan to fight Andras without Leon finding out who he was. Also, the fight between two high-ranking fallen angels would devastate the nearby area even in the swiftest scenarios, and Leon might become part of the collateral damage.

Warning Leon in the dream was not enough, as Leon would only think it was all in his head. Azazil didn't want to involve Young-jin at first, but he figured that a call from Young-jin was the most efficient and guaranteed means to lure Leon away.

The moment Leon's flight left Vancouver, Azazil allowed himself to be found by the rescue parties and let the reporters take several photos of billionaire Randall Lockwood hugging his precious missing son Angel Lockwood, and the news soon flooded the internet.

Azazil ordered Randall to secretly transfer him to a private hospital in West Vancouver, where everyone in it, doctors and nurses, were Satanists. He then ordered several of his demons to tail after Jaden and report to him directly about the exorcist's whereabouts. After setting up the trap and using himself as the lure, Azazil waited patiently for Jaden West to show up.

However, things didn't go exactly as he planned.

"My lord." The hospital's director, the prestigious Doctor Bryan Chambers, kneeled before him and said nervously, "There has been a...development."

Azazil was typing rapidly on his phone, messaging Astaroth about potential complications that Andras's disappearance might cause. He didn't bother to raise his head, "Out with it."

"A priest is here demanding to see you. He said his name is Leonardo Solari."

Azazil's head snapped up. No way. How was it possible? He had just sensed the location of the cross he gave Leon, and it was still in Losangelis!

Unless...Leon didn't bring the cross with him?

"Are you sure it is Leonardo Solari, not some demon's disguise?"

"We've warded off all demons from this premises as you instructed, so I'm fairly sure..."

"How did he find me?! Randall didn't leak my location to any media, did he?"

"I don't believe so, My Lord. Perhaps...Jaden West told him?"

"And did you tell him that I'm not here?"

"We did. The front desk nurse told him his name was not in the system. But he insisted us to double-check. The head nurse then came to me, and I thought I would check with you first to see if you want to see him."

"I can't see him. Jaden West can be here at any moment. Do what you can to turn him away. Insist that I'm not here." Azazil said irritably, "Get someone to kidnap him and leave him in another country if necessary. He cannot be here tonight."

By revealing himself to be still alive, Azazil showed half his cards to Andras, telling him he wasn't just a regular human. And now, sending Leon here could be another Andras's trick, using Leon to gauge his true nature.

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