Chapter 28

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Illaria Point of View

Have you ever heard of the saying, 'Everything starts with a wedding'?

Or the saying, 'It's bound to happen if it is a festive time'.

Or the saying, 'You will feel it when you are surrounded by the similar feelings'.

Every saying above or every similar saying will indicate the same thing that I'm facing right now.

Did it ever happen to anyone that you have some really good positive feelings for someone, you could tell that they are romantic emotions but nonetheless not too much to the extent of feeling itchy and tingle-ish all over the body for that person. However, there suddenly comes a time when you will be seriously drowned in the same emotions but on a largely amplified scale.

You don't know where all these suddenly overwhelming feelings came from and what caused all the burst out. You only recognize the fact that you are, suddenly but not-so-suddenly, are in love with that person.

So much that you feel foolish and silly.

So much that you feel it sudden and uncontrollable.

So much that you find it unconvincing but still strangely convincing.

So much that you forget about all the anger or negative feelings for that person for a time period.

This is exactly what I'm going through.

And that other person is Devon Fox Almond!

"You – can have it. Please." He offered with a slight negligible blush on his face.

"No, you can have it." I politely offered back, feeling tensed from all the pounding in the heart and pricking on the skin where his hand accidentally touched mine.

"No, you should have it. I will take the next one. Come on, please." Devon gestured me to have the glass of Almond flavored milk while he stopped another waiter and took a glass for himself.

I did not make any more drama and took the glass. Taking a small sip of the drink, I stealthily looked at him and noticed that he was doing the same as well.

"Umm, this is delicious." I took my glance back and said awkwardly.

This hot drink was extremely delicious and this is my third glass already. Apparently, this is a hot beverage the originated from India called 'Badam milk' which means Almond milk.

This almond milk, though, is amazingly flavorful. It's a little yellow in color which came from saffron, there is appropriate amount of sugar and authentic almond flavor, garnished with small thinly sliced dry nuts; the drink is served hot which is pure delight mostly when the climate is a little chill.

"This is our family's favorite thing to drink all the time." He said with a hint of pride in his tone. And that when I noticed yet again for the nth time this evening that he has been secretly yet not-so-secretly checking me out the whole time.

Favorite thing to drink? Ah, not strange!

But God, it's the start of the winter and is already a bit chilly, why does it suddenly feel hot though?

I took another sip of the drink and looked around to see everyone having a blast right now. The guests are almost all here, the whole Almond colony was decorated like a newlywed bride and the stalls are in place, entertaining the guests of all age groups.

"Devon, what the heck are you standing there like a statue experiencing constipation for over a century? Come here quickly and check this out." The tenth cousin of Devon hollered on top of his lungs which are better functioning than a loud speaker.

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