Fourth Year: Fallout

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The Great Hall was buzzing with the usual morning chatter as Bambi and her friends sat down for breakfast. The clatter of plates and the hum of conversation filled the air, with students laughing and discussing the day ahead. As they settled into their meals, the fluttering sound of wings fluttered overhead, signalling the arrival of the morning mail. Biggest of them all came Gerald, his dark feathers and large form standing out among most of the smaller owls who weren't built to fly long distances.

"Gerald!" Bambi exclaimed, holding out her arm as the owl landed gracefully. She untied the letter and gave him a piece of bacon as a reward. "Thanks, buddy."

Gerald nuzzled her, nipping her ear affectionately before hopping to the table and eating some sausage off of her plate.

Bambi's eyes scanned the letter, and a grin spread across her face as she read the news. "Guys, guess what!" she exclaimed, unable to contain her excitement.

"What is it?" Angelina asked, looking up from her toast.

"I'm going to Egypt for the summer!" Bambi announced, her hazel eyes sparkling with excitement. "Dad says he has some work out there, something about them thinking he might be able to help with some curse breaking. He says he also thinks it will be a good opportunity for us to explore the tombs and learn about ancient magic," Bambi beamed.

If there was one place she always loved to visit, it was Egypt. It was one of the few places she visited with her father where he felt safe enough to let her follow him around.

"That sounds amazing!" Alicia said, smiling, "You'll have to send us loads of pictures."

Fred, who had been munching on a piece of bacon, suddenly perked up, "Did you say Egypt?"

"Yeah, why?" Bambi asked, her excitement not diminishing.

George, who was sitting across from Fred, grinned. "Well, looks like we might be seeing each other there! Dad won some lottery draw from the Daily Prophet. We'll be spending a whole month there."

"No way! That's brilliant!" Bambi's eyes widened in surprise and delight before pausing, "Although, what area will you be in? We'll be in the desert west of Cairo. Dad's always paranoid about being seen."

Fred and George exchanged a glance, grinning broadly. "We'll be near Cairo too," Fred said, barely containing his excitement. "Bill's there already, you know, our brother? He's a curse breaker, so we're staying with him for the month."

"Sounds like we'll be pretty close then," Bambi smiled, leaning back with a satisfied smile, "Maybe we can all stay together. I'm sure my dad wouldn't mind if you guys wanted to camp out next to us."

Fred and George's eyes lit up at Bambi's suggestion. "That would be brilliant!" George exclaimed, nudging Fred. "Imagine the three of us parading around Egypt for a whole summer."

Fred nodded enthusiastically. "We might have to convince Mum, but she might just go for it."

Bambi laughed, already picturing the adventures they'd have. "I'll talk to my dad tonight and see what he thinks. It'd be great to explore the tombs together."

She pulled out a piece of parchment, her excitement bubbling over as she quickly scribbled a response to her dad. "I'll make sure to ask him right away," she said, barely able to contain her enthusiasm. Once she was finished, she folded the parchment and turned to Gerald, who was perched nearby.

"Here you go, Gerald," She said, holding the rolled-up letter out to him.

Gerald stared at her, disbelief in his weary amber eyes.

"Look, just take it when you're all rested up, alright? No rush." Bambi chuckled, reaching out to gently stroke his feathers.

Gerald hooted in response, ruffling his features out as Bambi placed the letter out in front of him.

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