What Happened..?

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July 12, 2015

I happen to be a person who gets depressed easily and whatnot. I lose interest in things quicker than you can say... Ham?
Do you wonder why my writing sucks so horribly bad after the first chapter, prologue, intro, etc? It is simply because I lose interest in the things I write. I, as a person, do not want to present a piece that I hate, but I go ahead of myself... I do it anyways and I don't think of the mental stress it puts on me afterwards.

What will I do? Soul search? Don't you just become more lost when you look for yourself?
I am the creep kid who wrote gruesome horror stories in fourth grade and scared my instructor! I am the kid who made my fifth grade instructor cry from my writing! I am that kid that was given A+++ for a science fiction story in eighth grade. I am that kid who wrote a romance novel in my sophomore-junior years and got people addicted to it! Just look into the mirror and reflect your old self... My illness hasn't changed me, in fact, I survived... I'm still me--that weird kid from class that sat quietly in the corner of the room.
I'm Andrew... And I need to find the creative me.

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