My Life Till Now

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Sometimes you just feel dead inside... Well that sometimes doesn't connect to me, because I feel dead more than you think. Am I happy? Am I sad? Let's say I'm more of one, but I'm both....

Do you know what it feels like to be thrown away, then broken into tiny little pieces, then thrown away again? So many people don't, but they try to understand. You can't understand just by talking to that person, you have to experience it, but no one would want to go through that which kills you.

Is it fun to lie

Is it fun to promise something, but break it so easily like a twig

Is it fun to draw blood from a person

Is it fun to beat someone till they are numb

Is it fun to try murdering a human...

Is it fun not to love a kin, try to kill it, but fail and instead beat it

Is it fun to see your own child get beaten by your "love"

Is it fun to be happy about making a person want to die...

Is it bad to want to protect yourself

Is it fun to say "I love you", but then say you were just a toy

Is it fun! To break a relationship just because you don't like it

Is it fun to push someone to the VERY EDGE?

Is it bad to try killing the one who pushed you over to the edge

Is it fun to tell a secret

Is it fun to sexually abuse someone

Say what you want, but leave my name and the ones I hold dear out of your mouth. Stronger than many, I have survived the HELL many are scared of. Help those in need; I will not back down from another fight, especially if those people have to go through what I went through.

*People are meant to be loved...

Things are meant to be used...

The reason why the Earth is in chaos is because:

People are used and things are loved*

Cyber bullied

Verbally bullied

Lied to constantly

Physically abused

Sexually abused

Self harm


Psychological issues

Suicide that didn't work

I wouldn't want to list anymore...

Only love I have right next to me is my brother...

Message me if you want. My life has finally just begun, and I want to see your life blossom till the very end of mine or till you're destined to die, but right now isn't the time...

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