Thought 1

23 4 2

The part of hope in my soul, wondering if you're still alive and well. 

The part of disgust in my soul, wondering if your just dead and gone forever.

Loving and hating you the same time, can it get any harder.

A simple minded fool like me probably wouldn't notice if things did get worse.

It's like running towards a door, a door that you know you can never touch, never get near.

Running towards this door makes you think of all the times you could of turned back and ran the opposite direction, but never did.

Its like Limbo, you can't escape yourself.

Well, I can't escape you. 

Even if I wanted to, I can't.

A never ending dream, geting pulled into a giant puddle of water.

Having your reflection blurred by a single touch.

Not knowing who you are, who I am.

Screaming to let myself go.

Wondering if i'm still alive, if you're alive.

Screaming, crying, wondering, dieing, living, breathless.

Loosing yourself, lossing your simple mind.

Not being able to think anymore about the things you've always loved, the things i've always loved.

Not seeing what you wanted to see, seeing an image that scares your face and heart forever.

Hating myself because you left; not knowing what to do next.

Trying to make myself believe, that you loved me.

Asking myself the same question everyday, did he love me?

Then answering it the same, he loved you with all his heart. Try to believe it, please.

I feel colder than a flake of white snow, I feel colder than a lifeless body.

I am alive aren't I?

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