Chapter seventeen

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The next day the light coming from my window woke me up. I didn't want to wake up especially cause I don't work today and have all day to do whatever I want.

I smacked my hand to the side Justin sleeps on and remembered everything that happened yesterday. Everything poured into my head all at once, sadness taking over me.

I felt the urge to cry but took a deep breath and let only a tear slip. I turned to my side facing the side that Justin sleeps on. I thought about everything, I thought about us.

I still can't believe he did that. He's not like this. At least I though he wasn't, he's never been this... Violent. He'd never hurt me.

I don't know if I can forgive him, I probably will because I'm so in love with him... that it bothers me. I'm very obsessive and I hate it.

I brought my hand up the pillow Justin would sleep on and saw my ring shining.

Ugh it was beautiful. I still want to marry Justin but I don't know if I'll be able to now.

I moved to my back and examined the ring.

I started to play with it and pull it in and out of my finger. I took it off and looked at the huge diamond in the middle along with the two smaller ones on the sides.

My phone rang beside me and I slipped my ring on, I reached for my phone and unlocked it bringing it up to my ear and answering without seeing caller ID.

"Hello" I sat up on one elbow.

"Uh... Hi can we talk?" I heard a familiar voice ask me.

I let out a deep breath, the urge to cry again taking control over me.

"Justin... I-I don't know if that's a good idea..." I trailed off my voice soft and gentle. You could tell I wanted to cry.

"Ariana... Baby... Please let me see you. I want to talk to you... Please..." He begged his voice sounding sad like mines.

I thought for a moment... Should I let him come? Should I see him? Should I forgive him? Should I let this go? What should I do?

Those were the things I kept asking myself. But Should I?

"Justin I don't know... I'm really hurt by what you-"

"Yes I know what I did and I'm so sorry about that... I hate myself for doing that... But please let me come and see you... I miss you please..." He interrupted me.

"Justin I'd rather you stay where you are until I'm ready to talk to you or see you because right now I don't want to do either of those things." I honestly told him.

"Ariana..." Justin trailed off sounding upset I didn't want to see him.

"I have to go" I said softly and hung up not letting him say another word.

I laid back and let out a huge sigh. I threw my phone on the bed and put both my hands over my face letting out another sigh.

I'm so confused!!! What do I do? I love Justin so much and right now I just want to kiss him and cuddle with him but I can't do that.

He has to work for my trust again and know that he can't hit me... EVER.

I took in a deep breath and decided to take a shower. Emily and Angelina weren't here because Emily worked and Angelina took her kids to get a checkup at the doctors.

I went towards the bathroom and noticed I was wearing the same clothes from yesterday after Justin left. I shut the door and looked at myself in the mirror.

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