Chapter thirty four

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Justin smiled looking at his son in his arms, little giggles coming from his lips as tears slipped down his cheeks. I smiled seeing my favorite boys together and happy.

November 2: morning

A faint knock was heard at the door as I held Nathan in my arms, holding him close to my chest as I breastfed him, his little mouth sucking nutrients from by boob. Justin beside me watching as I fed our baby, his chin on fist. His eyes looked heavy, and his yawns were becoming more and more frequent.

May I remind you neither of us had slept in more than 24 hours. The most I slept last night was 2 hours because little Nathan kept crying because he was either hungry or needed a diaper change which I barely knew how to do but Justin helped me a bit, even though he knows way less than me.

Justin has stayed over night with me of course, he sometimes went to go get me a diaper when I needed one of a pacifier of a blanket or a bottle. I can't thank god enough for this amazing gift he has blessed me with.

The door gently opened, Angelina peaking her head in with Jack, Emily and Cameron behind her. "Hi" she whispered, widening the door, leaving everyone else coming inside, Jack had Caroline and Ethan in both his arms, their little heads moving trying to see the baby.

Angelina and Emily came by the bed, a huge grin on their faces when they looked down, seeing my baby boy with his eyes closed and his little mouth moving. "He's gorgeous" Emily whispers, her eyes tearing up as she reached into her purse to get her phone.

Justin stood up, hugging Jack and Cameron, a huge smile on all three of their faces. "Congrats man" Jack smacked his back, Justin smiling at him and looking back at me. I covered my boob and put Ethan vertically and gently patting his back so he can burp.

He was already dressed in his little onesie that I had bought him when he was born and he looked so cute in it oh my god I'm so in love with my baby. Caroline ran up to my side, standing on her tippy toes trying to see the baby.

"Can I carry my baby?" She asked, her little finger pointing towards Nathan, I smile and nod my head. I wait until Nathan burps and lay him on my arm, I pat them bed, signaling for Caroline to sit on it, which she does and extends her arms, I gently hand her the baby, her little eyes scanning his face as he laid there asleep.

He nose moving a little as he breathed and his fingers moving from time to time. "Is he my baby?" She asked and I giggled, nodding at her. She smiled and touched his nose. "Caroline don't touch the babies face" Angelina spat, Caroline's eyes looking up at Angelina, as she shook her head.

"Caro look at daddy" Jack said, kneeling my the bed with his phone facing Caroline, she looked at the phone giving a little smile, and Jack took the picture, everyone's eyes on Caroline and Ethan. Angelina went to go pick him up but Caroline didn't want to give him back, Angelina death glared her and she eventually gave him up.

She kept on crying though, but she went to go sit by Ethan who was playing on Angelina's phone, not really caring about a baby. Her little eyes scanned the whole room, trying to get everyone's attention. Her arms crossed and her bottom lip pouted.

"He's absolutely perfect" Angelina muttered smiling down at her new nephew. "What's his name?" Emily asked, standing in front of the bed. "Nathan. Nathan Drew." I say with a small smile on my lips as I look back to Justin who was by the door talking to Cameron and Jack.

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