[04] Maybe This Can Work

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"It's the worst part of seeing old friends: when your rose-colored memories become undone by reality." 

~ Brad Meltzer  

May 22, 2043

10:20 A.M

            Louis stood and just glared at the smooth marble steps of the large building, using his peripheral vision to scan the area around him. After a clear survey, he noted that there was a large assortment of shrubbery lining the well-kempt lawn, that he figured would be good to hide in, but not much else, plus there were too many other people.

            It would have been so easy to run, but then staying hidden was another thing. It was supposedly a government testing facility he was being taken to after all, so even attempting anything felt a bit pointless.

            Admittedly, Louis was considering just ditching this whole appointment, because he could face it, he didn’t want to go.

            All they did was probe him with foreign objects, chatter to each other, and then write it all down. What he did during all this was just stand there and try to stay out of any unnecessary conversation, keeping his mouth clamped shut.

            “Louis, c’mon now, or we’re going to be late,” his mother called from half way up the steps, turning only slightly to glance back at him. 

            Good, Louis thought bitterly, though he grudgingly began the ascent anyways.

            “Ah, Mrs. Tomlinson,” the dark-skinned receptionist flashed a polite smile at them both when they entered the glass double doors. “Louis. Nice to see you again; I assume you know what to do.”

            They both only nodded and turned to the left, scanning their identification cards (for security purposes) by the door before entering deeper into the facility. 

            The walk down the long hall to their designated room was torturously quiet, as usual. Though Louis generally preferred it to actually speaking with his mother, seeing as all she did was fuss over him, which he honestly hated even more. 

            He really just wanted to tell her sometimes that he lost his memory, not his functioning capabilities.

            “Mrs. Tomlinson, Louis,” Edward, the man who had “woken” Louis up, grinned widely and spread his long arms when they finally entered. “How are you on this fine day?” 

            “Lovely, thank you Mr-“ She began in response, but Edward quickly cut her off and gave her a small smile, as if to say she should know better. “Edward, I mean,” she quickly corrected. 

            “How about you Louis?” Edward soon turned to Louis next, and he only muttered a barely audible response, much to the obvious irritation of his mother.

            Edward nodded, running a hand through his slightly graying hair. “Well then,” he clapped his hands together. “Let’s get started, shall we?” 

            In a matter of seconds, Louis found himself caught up in the whirl all over again, before he could even blink. It was a familiar routine, seeing as he had to go at least once a week if not more, but that didn’t make it any less obnoxious to him. 

            Jill, the petite Asian assistant to Edward (also there when Louis “woke”), was sitting him down on a small stool as Edward talked to his mother outside. After going through everything else physical, Jill began to shine a bright light in his eyes, and Louis had to fight hard to not look away from the shock. 

Visionary [Louis Tomlinson AU]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora