[09] All Over Again

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 “There is a thin line that separates laughter and pain, comedy and tragedy, humor and hurt.” 

~ Erma Bombeck 

May 29, 2043

4:59 A.M 

            Louis always had thought that it was basically a sin to be awake before 9:00 in the morning if you hadn’t pulled an all-nighter for the duration of the time before that.

            So of course, that’s exactly what he was thinking as his phone kept blaring around his dark bedroom and the glowing numbers on the wall that had just changed to a five and two zeros glared at him.

            If somebody was really going to call him at this time, he figured that they’d better have a damn good reason for it.

            Unfortunately though, it turns out they did.

            Thing is, Louis had never really gotten the impression that Niall was too fond of him, especially since their encounter at the restaurant and even after the get-together at Zayn’s.

            So to say the least, one could imagine his surprise when he finally picked up his phone (before it woke up the whole bloody house) and saw it was the one and only Niall Horan calling him.

            Figuring he should at least hear the lad out, and try to get on his good side, Louis hit the glowing green button to answer, hauling the device up to his ear and mumbling a tired, “Hello?”

            “Louis, thank God,” the other boy’s voice was nearly breathless, hitting Louis unexpectedly with the varying emotions he was emitting through his voice alone.

            So far, Louis couldn’t tell if he was relieved or upset, because he honestly sounded pretty close to both. Maybe he was. Louis just knew in that instant that whatever he was calling for, it was important.

            “Niall?” He questioned. “What’s going on? Did something happen?”

            Niall laughed then, though the way he did made it clear that nothing at all was funny. In fact, it came out more like a strangled sob than anything.

            “Niall?” Louis prodded again when the other boy didn’t answer.

            A shaky breath could be heard on Louis’ end, then the determined clearing of a throat. “I- it’s bad Louis,” he finally said, sounding very much on the verge of tears if he wasn’t already. “God, it’s so bad.”

            “Niall, breathe. Just stop and tell me what’s going on.” Louis found dread creeping into his body, despite his strong time, just at the sound of Niall breaking down like this. He was beginning to get desperate, terrified even, for he unfortunately had a very vivid and wild imagination that was coming up with a many number of horrible scenarios at the moment.

            “It’s Z- zayn,” the other managed to choke out finally, and Louis felt his gut twist in the most painful of ways. “He’s hurt… real bad. I’m waiting in the ER. I- I don’t know what to do Louis…”

            Louis knew he had to pull himself together for Niall- and apparently Zayn. So he forced himself to man up and not break down at the mere thought of something happening to Zayn.

            “Tell me where you are Ni,” he said firmly, not even registering the nickname until much later. “Just tell me and I’ll be there, right away.”

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