[07] The "Last" Resort

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“The world is a big conspiracy to make you happy.” 

~ Santosh Kalwar

May 26, 2043

6:20 A.M 

            Edward Rutherford rubbed his eyes tiredly as he unlocked the door to his office, just like he did every morning at 6:20 sharp.

            It was always the same, old routine with his job. Get up at the crack of dawn, drive to work, and then update all the data of all of his test subjects for Visionary.

With no family or friends that weren’t at his work, there was really nothing else for him to do, he supposed. This was a job that required dedication, to the most extreme, and he knew it from the minute he applied.

            With a heavy sigh, Edward made his way over to his desk, cluttered to the point that the hardwood surface could barely even be seen anymore. There was really nothing but stacks and stacks of papers and files strewn across it, along with a few scattered coffee cups and tinfoil wrappers.

           For a scientist, he had to admit that he was one of the more unorganized of the bunch. Many of his coworkers didn’t respect him for the exact reason, thought that if he was disorganized, then there was no way he could keep up with a hundred test subjects and their charts.

          No, but Edward had proved them wrong so far. With Jill, his assistant, he was doing remarkably well, and he had the only test subject so far to have such interesting charts.

            It was all thanks to a certain Louis Tomlinson.

            As he sat down and commanded his computer to power on, he remarked that Louis Tomlinson was a great success and failure for them all.

            He was one of the subjects who had used Visionary for a longer amount of time than most. During the time, he had created his ideal world, lived it out, but also forgot the entirety of his real life in the process.

            But at least they knew now, there were some extreme side effects of long-term use. Realistically though, what idiot would use the drug that long?

            “Go to Louis Tomlinson, Test Subject No. Seven-hundred-forty-nine,” he commanded, leaning back in the desk chair and waiting, impatiently drumming his fingers on his thigh.

            When his computer finally reached the desired file, Edward began a new entry, clearing his throat to begin the standard routine.

             “May twenty-sixth, twenty-forty-three, day eighty-three” he began, using the professional tone he always did when recording for patients. “Still under careful observation, Louis Tomlinson appears to have had no change, mental or physical.”

            Furrowing his brow in thought, he continued, “His pupils remain dilated upon first awakening every morning, along with his sclera reddening. Like at his last appointment, he continues to say that everything is perfectly ‘normal and boring’. Unfortunately-”

            Edward cut himself off, being in the process of thinking of what to say next. But before he got the opportunity to actually say it, a loud, obnoxious knock sounded from the door, penetrating his concentration completely.

            Grunting in annoyance, Edward saved and closed the file for the time, before rising and opening the door to see a slightly out of breath looking Jill.

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